
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mountain West was Democratic Pipe Dream

A Colorado Collapse
The Mountain West has never been a liberal place.  Progressive refugees fleeing the messes they've made in California and other collapsing liberal bastions were all that even gave the modern day Democratic party a chance out here.  Unable to learn a lesson, these escapees demand their new home provide the same big government, liberal nannyism that destroyed the place they came from. 

Gripped by Obamamania, normally common-sense Coloradans joined forces with the liberal rabble and swept Obama into office, voting in liberal senator Mark Udall to boot.

The Democratic party can continue to rely on clueless college students and their naive professors whose real-life ignorance guides their politics.  But outside the huddled masses of effete Denver metrosexuals, Boulder neo-hippies, and Fort Collins ivory tower pseudo intellectuals, the rest of the state is pretty middle of the road. 

"Leave us Alone" Libertarianism is a common thread running through everyday Dems and Repubs alike out here

That accounts for Democrat Ken Salazar winning his senate race a few years back.  He's not a wild-eyed liberal.  As soon as I saw his campaign commercial and that of republican Pete Coors, I knew Salazar, a rancher in a cowboy hat, would win.  Pete Coors' image, perhaps unfairly, is that of a detached multi-millionaire firmly ensconsed in the foothills of Golden overlooking Denver who deigned to descend from his beer empire citadel.  It was no contest.

Today, Mr. Salazar announced he will not run for Governor.  He had Obama's blessing, and it would have been a great opportunity to return home and continue public service without the DC hassles.  The only logical reason for him not seizing the opportunity is because he couldn't win.  That's a really bad sign for Democrats in this state.

The hopium smoke has dissipated, the euphoria is gone.  Look for a Democrat retreat in the Mountain West.  We just don't need all that coddling...


Finntann said...

Don't forget that Michael Bennett's seat (the interim Ritter appointment to fill in for Ken Salazar) is also up for grabs this November.

Silverfiddle said...

Yup! and you can meet the future senator, whoever he or she may be (I'm leaning towards Jane Norton):

Colorado Springs Republican Women will host a Senate Candidate forum between Jane Norton and Ken Buck January 19th .
Format: Candidate introduction, moderator –asked questions and answer.
Date: January 19th 2010
Time: Meet and Greet 5:30-6:00 pm
6:00 – 6:10 pm CSRW Meeting
6:10 – 7:00 pm Forum
Location: El Paso County Republican Headquarters - 205 Sutton Place, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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