
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good News: China Now Buys as Much Crap as We Do

This looks like more bad news about America's decline, but it's actually good news.

China is running surpluses because it has basically been a Commie-capitalist slave labor camp for the past decade.  Money goes in and it gets stored up instead of going to the dirt poor workers keep the factories churning.  But even a Chinese Communist knows you can't deny the worker the fruits of his labor forever.

Building a Middle Class Ain't Cheap
Chinese workers have seen the future and are no longer satisfied to go around in pajamas and sandals and live in flintstone houses and cramped barracks.  The state has heard their cries and is now allowing them to amass middle class accoutrement like cars and TVs.

Meanwhile Americans tighten their belts...  
Bringing China's masses into the modern age costs money, so the stack that China sits on will get smaller, and much will flow back to the US as they purchase stuff from us that they can't yet make themselves.  That is how global economic imbalances get corrected.

Now, if we can just get the bloated pigs wallowing in the DC sewer to stop gorging on our hard earned money, we just may be able to turn this country around...


Joe's New York said...

All I want from China is some good Hot and Sour soup.

Silverfiddle said...

Just be careful there's not rat poison it it...

LSP said...

"...the bloated pigs wallowing in the DC sewer" is outstanding. But what should we expect from our communist alien, looter overlords?

Track-A-'Crat said...

Good news indeed. Consumption in China, and everywhere else that's not called America, needs to increase to fuel economic growth. We can't buy all the world's junk alone.

Fredd said...

China has exactly the same problem we have: assholes in charge of all of the major economic decisions affecting the balance of trade.

Since the Chinese own so much of our debt, our government (founded on capitalism) is now being lectured and scolded about our excesses in monetary policy by their government (founded on Marxism). How utterly ironic.

Snarky Basterd said...

Well, there are millions of Chinese dudes who can't find a bride ... because no self-respecting dad wants a daughter so what else are they gonna buy with their wages?

Except maybe porn.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

The sad part of all this is that it was planned many, many years ago.

Christopher said...

While I agree with the basic premise, Fredd brings up the other point to it.

Also when those "screams" you say China is now heeding from it's citizenry? When those screams become stronger due to human instinct for more,China will come calling to us and it won't be pretty.

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