
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Honor Among Liberal Thieves

"They're in the bank, they've got their guns out. They can run outside with no money, or they can stick it out, go through the gunfight, and get away with the money."
-- A Democratic operative describing why liberal lawmakers continue pushing the unpopular, pork-laden, bribe tainted health care bill
Gangs of DC
Sitting down with a lawyer buddy of mine over Sunday morning biscuits and gravy, he remarked that the most important thing to remember if you're going to pull off a robbery is to wear a mask.  It's surprising how many criminals are too stupid or too brazen to follow that simple rule.

The next most important thing is to remember that your fellow thieves will give you up in a heartbeat to save their own skin.

Dems are turning on one another
It is with a smug and giddy glee that conservatives watch the dems run like scaled dogs from the electorate, and those left behind are turning on one another like the criminals they are.

Uber Liberal Robert Kuttner is mad as hell that the whole health care issue, like a failed bank robbery, has gone south for the Dems.  He goes after Rahm Emanuel with knives drawn in his HuffPo Piece.
So, how did Democrats get saddled with this bill? Begin with Rahm Emanuel. The White House chief of staff, who was once Bill Clinton's political director, drew three lessons from the defeat of Clinton-care. All three were wrong.
As a resident of Massachusetts, in the last two days I've gotten robo calls from Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Martha Coakley, and Angela Menino, the wife of Boston's mayor -- everyone but the sainted Ted Kennedy.

In Obama's call, he advised me that he needed Martha Coakley in the Senate, "because I'm fighting to curb the abuses of a health insurance industry that routinely denies care."

Let's see, would that be the same insurance industry that Rahm was cutting inside deals with all spring and summer? The same insurance industry that spent tens of millions on TV spots backing Obama's bill as sensible reform?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Sit back and pop open a beer, 2010 looks to be an entertaining year...


LSP said...

'Smug and giddy glee' - outstanding - 'like the criminals they are' - worthy of Dr. Thompson.

Lets hope they go down in Mass. Fear and loathing on the East Coast.

Leticia said...

It is going to very interesting to watch this whole episode unfold. Got any popcorn?

Fredd said...

'Like the criminals they are.' Well said, Silver. I couldn't have said it any better. Well, maybe I could have, let me give it a shot: 'like the scum sucking, thieving, no-consituent-listening-to, drunken sailor spending, asswipe pus bag criminals they are.'

Hmmm. Not harsh enough.

Snarky Basterd said...

This is going to be like an episode of the WWF ... or whatever the hell it's called now ... grand theatrics, backstabbing, and none of it real but all of it stomach turning.

Silverfiddle said...

Ah yes... I fear we will see some new lows before its all over...

WomanHonorThyself said...

woohoo we got Massachsetts!!:)

Most Rev. Gregori said...

A word of warning: All patriots had better stay alert at all times between now and 2012. The far left "Progressives" in Congress, (those in both parties; yes, the Republicans also have "Progressives" in their ranks), are getting desperate. Like cornered rats, there is no telling what they might do.

With Scott Brown's win, we have only won a battle, not the war. Lets keep watching each others back.

Silverfiddle said...

Wise words, Reverend. They will stop at nothing.

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