
Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009: The Year in Review

I know, I was supposed to do this a few days ago, but I was busy working...

President Obama orders government to stop using all those zeros to describe the debt

Instead of writing $1 trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) the White House now mandates:

 Does it smell like sulfur in here?


Buyer's Remorse Set in Quickly

The Democratic Socialist Party Repeatedly Gave American Citizens the Finger

 Rush Limbaugh tried to buy an NFL team, but the libs were onto him!  They unveiled his nefarious plot to institute modern-day slavery, sparking angry Spendmas riots at Wal-Marts all across the country

Finally, we end with a poem to celebrate the Global Warming Fraud:

Al Gore:  Inventor of the internet; Nobel Laureate; Snorting, surly failed presidential candidate; angry, unhinged raving ranter, environmental pied piper.  And now, poet???

Al Gore has written a poem.  I'm not joking.  Vanity Fair is gushing over it.  Here are the funniest parts (I won't bore you with the whole thing; I want some readership left after this post):

One thin September soon
A floating continent disappears
In midnight sun

Vapors rise as
Fever settles on an acid sea
Neptune's bones dissolve

The shepherd cries
The hour of choosing has arrived
Here are your tools

Reverend Al has inspired me.  Here is my version:

One thin November soon
a global flim flam disappears
in public humiliation

Vapors rise, fevers burn
in the fetid, pestilent clot
of Gaia worshiping simpletons

The libtard cries
The hour of unmasking has arrived
the worshipers are tools

I wish you all a prosperous and conservative new year!


Snarky Basterd said...

A year I'd rather just toss onto the fire and burn forever.

jadedfellow said...

Hey Name to Long to Type in Anymore,

What a relief, I finally got my room papered.

If yah got nothing better to do, come sit down for awhile.


Silverfiddle said...

SB: This whole decade sucked. When old guys like me (militarily speaking) get sent into foreign countries with guns, you know the Sh*t has hit the fan.

Oh well, at least I have some interesting stories to tell in my retirement that don't involve sitting in a communications facility where the biggest danger is poking yourself with a screwdriver or spilling coffee on your uniform...

jadedfellow said...

Hey U,

I had you figgered as a real smart fella, but if you are going to ask my opinion I may go back and jump to another hasty conclusion.

Making money from blogging?

Do what you are doing at the Huffy Post and other similar cesspools, after you buy stock in internet providers.

Making enemies makes for a bountiful dividend stream when you understand which bait to use when trolling.

THANK YOU!, for your military service, I put alot of stock in you heros.


Silverfiddle said...

Thanks, Jaded, but I'm not a hero. I was in the rear with the gear...

WomanHonorThyself said...

heres to a better decade my friend! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Hannityinaskirt said...

I liked your poem much better than Gore's, But wasn't there anything good about this year? The Tea parties, pro freedom protests in Iran, or Glenn Beck in Ledehosen?

Silverfiddle said...

The tea parties and Glenn Beck visiting Colorado (Wife and I went to see him) were a couple of highlights.

Iran saddens me. They are having their Berlin Wall moment, but instead of Thatcher and Reagan we have a couple of third rate actors from a Benny Hill skit.

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