
Monday, January 11, 2010

Drones Over Pakistan: Don't! Stop! ... Don't Stop!

Pakistan is a Perfidious Partner

It's no secret that Pakistan's military and intelligence organizations are double-dealing bastards.  I'm not blaming them, they live in a dangerous neighborhood and you gotta protect yourself...

I saw their duplicity and perfidy up close when I was stationed in Afghanistan back in 2005.  A massive earthquake devastated the Kashmir region, and we offered unqualified assistance:  tents, meals, communications, medical, whatever the victims of this tragedy needed.

The answer?  "Yes, send it, but drop it anonymously, no US markings, no US personnel on the ground.  Help us, but don't let the people know you are helping us."

No skin off my nose. I didn't want to go to their s#*t-smeared hell hole anyway.     

We first joined forces with Pakistan to dislodge the Soviets from Afghanistan
The Russians ran and the Mujaheddin morphed into the Taliban with assistance and encouragement from our Pakistani "friends."  They still can't let go of their Taliban; parting is such sweet sorrow for these sentimental softies.  

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Orders More Bombings!
But some of their little pet snakes are now rising up to bite them, so we bomb the lawless tribal areas (FATA) with their tacit approval while they loudly and publicly protest it all.  We hear of the extreme hatred flaring out of control at us over our slaughter of Pakistani innocents.

Pakistani Tribal Outrage "A Myth"

This myth was recently exploded by Farhat Taj in her article ‘Drone attacks: challenging some fabrications’, published recently in a national daily. Dr Taj is an academic at the University of Oslo, but more importantly, she comes from the region and has a degree of access to tribal Pakhtuns that is rare.
...ordinary people in Fata are delighted that at least somebody is killing the ruthless thugs who have seized control of their villages and their lives...
“The people of Waziristan are suffering a brutal kind of occupation under the Taliban and Al Qaeda. It is in this context that they would welcome anyone, Americans, Israelis, Indians or even the devil, to rid them of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.  (Dawn)
I take anything and everything coming out of that part of the world with a grain of salt, but I don't know why this woman would lie.  She is a professor in Oslo, and this is her homeland getting pounded.  Anyway, it's a refreshing take we would never hear from the Western press.


Leticia said...

Amazing. What do you expect? She comes from a nation that lies and cheats and has no idea of the words, "thank you."

Snarky Basterd said...

Your experience and insight can tell me a million things more than any MSM report.

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks, Snarky. Saddest of all, the average foreign correspondent has way more experience than me, so why can't we get good insight from them?

Michael Yon and Michael Totten are two of the best. I read them often...

Finntann said...

With the concept of sovereignty comes the responsibility to exercise control over territory.

Wow, what a concept! Responsibility.


Track-A-'Crat said...

Wish that article had received wider attention. We cannot kill enough of those fundamentalist f*cks in the NWFP.

Silverfiddle said...

Amen to that, Track-A-Crat. Some people just cannot be reformed...

Chicago Ray said...

Definitely don't stop, I agree Silver. So then start cruising these things Iran's way I say, "Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran"..

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