
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Senate Seats Circus Clown

... He'll be in good company. This should be entertaining.

Obama: Sycophantic Neophyte?

Why a Sycophantic Neophyte? Cause Ass-Kissing Noob just seems too harsh and disrespectful of the office.

Sucking up seems to be what it is all about these days, the administrations actions have less to do with supporting democracy and more to do with supporting the status quo, all the while applying liberal lip-action to the derrieres of the Chavenistas in the misguided belief they will suddenly start liking us.

An elected president, in a vain attempt to stay in power, attempts to amend the countries constitution outside of the established and legal methodology. The country's Supreme Court rules his actions unconstitutional and the country's democratically elected congress votes to remove him due to "repeated violations of the constitution and the law", this action is also supported by the country's Supreme Court.

Obama's response is "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras." So how exactly do you figure that, Mr. President? Sounds like democracy is working just fine in Honduras. Let us take it from a slightly different perspective. If the US Supreme Court ruled your actions "unconstitutional" and you were impeached by our congress, would your removal be legal? Would the UN be clamoring for your return? Would the whole process be "democratic"?

I am dismayed at the pandering and short sightedness of the administration's position, the people of Honduras have spoken through their Supreme Court and duly elected representatives, they have removed a potential dictator who was illegally attempting to consolidate his grip on power. Let me ask you this Mr. President... will your calls for his return be met with just as vehement calls for his ousting upon the termination of his constitutional term?

The handling of this affair has been clumsy, misguided, and have set a bad example to the rest of the world about what democracy is all about.


Che Guevara: T-Shirt Salesman to the Tards

Che Guevara was a cowardly murderer, and those walking around the US with his stinking, bearded countenance adorning their apparel are ignorant fools.

I can understand why he is a hero in Latin America, where the rich dump all over the poor and call it capitalism and democracy. But here in America--the most egalitarian and upwardly mobile society in the world--the most famous t-shirt salesman in the world is a mark of ignorance.

A Che logo screams "I am blissfully ignorant of history and I despise the capitalist freedom that brought me this gucci bag and these $200 Raybans."

Capitalism Is Dead! Long Live Capitalism!

What are these people making a statement against? Our nation having the richest, fattest poor people in the world? Government-subsidized higher education? Too many air conditioners and iPods?

Humberto Fontova writes brilliantly of the contrast between the butcher from Rosario and one particular woman who resisted his persecutions. Zoila Aguila was a brave Cuban campesina who took to the hills of Escambray and fought the Castro gang and their soviet masters for a year, until they finally captured and imprisoned her.

Hollywood produces hagiographic paeons to this Argentinian murderer, while real heroines like Zoila Aguila go unsung because nobody pinched her butt in a north country coal mine or she didn't blow the whistle on an evil corporation run by greedy white men. You can read this Cuban's short article at
American Thinker.

American Thinker

Dissident Frogman

Monday, June 29, 2009

Does Obama Speak Honduran?

Honduras is following its constitution, Ex-Presidente Zelaya was not. The Obama administration is wrong again. If we can't do the right thing, then we at least need to butt out.

We sided with the Mullas in Iran, and now we're siding with the Chavistas in Central America. Tyranny is on the march, and Clinton and Obama are out in front twirling the baton and beating the drum...

Honduran Ex-President Zelaya wanted to pull a Chavez by changing the constitution in an unconstitutional way. The Supreme Court and Congress told him it was illegal and the court issued an order to halt the voting. When the President refused to follow the law, the military stepped in. All constitutional. Fausta, Latin America blogger extraordinaire, sums it up here.

Mary Anastasia O'Grady explains in her WSJ article, why the Obama Administration is wrong yet again on an important foreign policy question:

That Mr. Zelaya acted as if he were above the law, there is no doubt. While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to open that door does not lie with the president. A constituent assembly can only be called through a national referendum approved by its Congress.

But Mr. Zelaya declared the vote on his own and had Mr. Chávez ship him the necessary ballots from Venezuela. The Supreme Court ruled his referendum unconstitutional, and it instructed the military not to carry out the logistics of the vote as it normally would do.

The top military commander, Gen. Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, told the president that he would have to comply. Mr. Zelaya promptly fired him. The Supreme Court ordered him reinstated. Mr. Zelaya refused.

Honduras is fighting back by strictly following the constitution. The Honduran Congress met in emergency session yesterday and designated its president as the interim executive as stipulated in Honduran law. It also said that presidential elections set for November will go forward. The Supreme Court later said that the military acted on its orders. It also said that when Mr. Zelaya realized that he was going to be prosecuted for his illegal behavior, he agreed to an offer to resign in exchange for safe passage out of the country. Mr. Zelaya denies it.
Maybe President Obama can get on the phone and impress the Hondurans with his eloquence. He probably doesn't speak Honduran though...

Fausta - Honduras
WSJ -O'Grady - Honduras Protecting its Constitution

Tax and Slave: We're All Crazy Now

We're sitting on Humongously large deposits of natural gas, oil, and coal, but ObamaCongress just mandated that we revert to a 1790's per capita carbon usage level.

If it were good for big business, they would be doing it already

Make big business pay for all that carbon they produce? They'll just pass it on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. If the government blocks them from doing that, they'll just move to a less stupid country that still believes in free enterprise, like India.

Uncle Sugar Want You! ... to be his addicted crack ho

Your light bill just went up, but no worry, ObamaCongress will borrow money from China to help you pay it in the form of government energy assistance. That's right. They already have plans for an energy assistance plan. Sure, they create disasters with their legislation, but that's just an opportunity to create more legislation! They confiscate dollars from you, rake their take, and give you back pennies. Call it what you want: DC Conveyor Belt, Self-licking ice cream cone, theft. In Italy the call it the Mafia. A free citizenry would call it tyranny.

Economic Castration Upon The Altar of Gaia

Here's another thought. What if we were able to reduce our petroleum usage by 50%? What would happen? The global price would go down, and Russia, India and China would enjoy an economic boom, pouring more pollution into the atmosphere from the cheap petroleum, while we economically castrate ourselves upon the altar of Gaia.

The Science is not Settled

Australia is rolling back their carbon emissions scheme, according to Kimberley Strassel at WSJ. A growing chorus of respected scientists are defying the Reverend Al Gore of The International Church of Gaia. Why?

Because the Earth is Not Warming, and any scientist can tell you that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant!

This 1,000 + pages of legislation is madness. This is a scheme that could only be perpetrated on a people made stupid by two generations of state-run, liberal indoctrination disguised as education.

Who benefits? T. Boone Pickens and his Quixotic windmills, along with every other scam artist crafty enough to "go green" in order to curry favor with the O'Government. Reverend Al Gore, Church of Gaia also benefits because he owns a company that sells indulgences to guilty polluters.

A billionaire businessman benefiting from Democratic legislation that Republicans wanted to kill. Imagine that... Of course the progressives will even things all out by demonizing non-green businesses. It's what progressives do: Pick winners and losers, because some animals are more equal than others.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Legalize Drugs?

Legalize Drugs. Then What?
Libertarians have always been for ending the drug war and just legalizing everything. Many of the best thinkers who advocate this are not drug users themselves; it's a matter of libertarian principle.

Many democrats, on the other hand, are probably already users and just don't want the fear of getting caught hanging over their heads. Being drug-addled would explain their irrational behaviors like believing we can control the temperature of their anthropomorphized Mother Earth, but that there is no God. Believing Judeo-Christian morals are suspect and should never be imposed on anyone; but a handsome, well spoken man should be worshiped and obeyed.

The Price of Cocaine
Anyway, Larry sent me an Economist link that maps the price of cocaine. An economist would not be surprised to learn that it's cheaper closer to the source. Down Colombia way and in Central America, a gram costs a mere $2. That same gram costs over $300 in the beautiful, remote island nation of New Zealand.

So if we legalize it, how would that work? Would government control production? Or would we merely cease criminal pursuit of the fabrication and distribution networks and instead bog them down with the tax and regulation administrivia we foist on every other business?

Libertarianism will usher in more liberalism
Either way, the lower the price, the more people will use it. So government will want to tax it heavily to discourage use (think cigarettes). This will in turn cause illegal production and distribution. Back to square one. Also, are we as a nation willing to stand aside and do nothing as lives, families and communities are destroyed by rampant drug use? The answer is no. No politician with your money in his pocket will refrain from costly remedies.

Although I agree with the libertarian position on many things, I can see some flaws. We should not be passing libertarian laws if we cannot accept the libertarian consequences. The ultimate result would be more liberalism to "solve" the problems caused by government's benign neglect. Early 1900's redux...

Economist - Cocaine Map

Saturday, June 27, 2009

... And I'm not the only one who's flaming mad about cap and trade. For more righteous anger, check out Chicago Ray and Feed Your ADHD.

Democrats are the Tools of Billionaire Businessmen

Cap and Trade will put millions in the pockets of big business. How about you?

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--T. Boone Pickens offered the following statement on passage of Waxman/Markey climate legislation entitled, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009:

“I congratulate Chairmen Waxman and Markey and the House leadership for taking important first steps in advancing the use of renewable energy in our nation’s power grid. The American public wants this, and they recognize the important role a Green Bank, Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) and transmission provisions will have in revitalizing our economy..."
Silverfiddle's Statement on the Passage of Tax and Slave:
You morons. A billionaire just patted you on the head for doing his bidding with my money and you are too stupid to realize it. Do you really think you can turn down the earth's temperature like a house thermostat? How will you know when you've got the temperature just right? When we're all living in caves and wearing loincloths because construction and manufacturing have been driven from the country?

How do you reduce dependence on foreign oil?

Use domestic oil! And gas! And coal! If your damned windmills were economically viable, T. Boone, you wouldn't have to be mooching my tax dollars to keep your Rube Goldberg scheme going.

"The People's House": Bought and Paid for by Big Business

The Democratic party, along with some ignoramuses in the GOP, just slit the throat of the American worker. Businesses deemed "dirty" or "ungreen" will simply move to where they don't have to put up with this statist BS. The Democratic party, and some of its associate members in the GOP, have just taken a giant crap on the little guy, the forgotten man, who can barely put gas in the tank and pay the light bill right now.

Can we now drop, once and for all, this liberal fantasy that the GOP is for big business and the Democrats are for the little guy? This legislation is worth millions to T. Boone Pickens. How much is it worth to you?

The Rabbi and the Superstar

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Michael Jackson were friends! I still can't get over it. Anyway, in a Jerusalem Post article the Rabbi quotes The Gloved One:
"I think all my success and fame, and I have wanted it, I have wanted it because I wanted to be loved. That's all. That's the real truth. I wanted people to love me, truly love me, because I never really felt loved. I said I know I have an ability. Maybe if I sharpened my craft, maybe people will love me more. I just wanted to be loved because I think it is very important to be loved and to tell people that you love them and to look in their eyes and say it."
Isn't that all anyone wants, to be loved? I believe that is what drives the behavior of famous people. It explains the Dixie Chicks ingratiating themselves with Europeans by trashing the US. It Explains President Obama trashing the US...

To a star, love is throngs of adoring fans

We mere mortals must satisfy ourselves with more pedestrian love-substitutes like drugs, booze, and prostitution. Come to think of it, so do many of the rich and famous, which indicts popularity as a fraud. How many happy alcoholics, drug users or porn addicts do you know? These don't bring happiness either. Make it, wallow in it, snort it up your nose. Empirical evidence says it can't buy you happiness.

Only connecting with another human being, intimately and honestly, can really satisfy. I think this also explains the anger we see in some people. If your soul ain't right, ain't nothin' right.

World Peace Through Inner Peace

People at war with themselves can't contain the violence; they must spread it to others. Unhappy families make unhappy communities, which make unhappy societies and nations, and unhappy nations make war. You can't solve the problem of war without calming the fires raging in the breasts of angry human beings.

Based on what Rabbi Shmuley says, Jackson did his level best to be a loving father to his children, and may God bless him for that. Jackson's conversations with the Rabbi lend credence to the popular notion that crappy fathering and a lack of a childhood are what screwed him up. And he knew he was screwed up, but like so many of us, was unable to unscrew himself. Regardless, he was determined that what happened to him did not happen to his kids, and may God grant him that wish.

JPost - Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Friday, June 26, 2009

Boehner Fights the Good Fight Against Tax and Slave

Glenn Thrush has an amusing piece in Politico about House Minority Leader John Boehner's filibuster. Here's a quick excerpt:
John Boehner is doing his version of a filibuster on the climate bill, cheered on by a loose and happy handful of GOP diehards egging him as if he were Dean Martin during Rat Pack reunion on the stage of the Sands.

Friday Miscellany World Clock, Liquid Smoke, MP3 Books

This is a cool website, courtesy of my buddy Larry. Ever seen one of those running debt clocks? This is one of those on steroids!

And now for something completely different...
From my buddy OD: What's in Liquid Smoke, anyway? Answer? Smoke!

Finally, I'm going on a car trip soon. I hate car trips. Driving through Kansas is the worst of all. It is talk radio hell. No Michael Savage, no Michael Medved, some Rush and Glenn Beck interrupted every five minutes by weather bulletins and hog reports: The wind is still blowing! btw, I am convinced there is a permanent swarm of tornadoes hovering over the state, taking turns swooping down at inopportune times.

So I bought myself an mp3 player. Yes, I'm behind the times. I went looking for e-books and found a treasure trove for free at Project Gutenberg. It tends towards the classics, with Kant, Tolstoy, etc, but there are also many classic novels by the likes of Henry James and Jack London.

Can anyone tell me why mp3 players don't come with an AM radio, only FM? The headphone cord can be an antenna, so antenna length isn't it...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mark Sanford: Meeting the Devil Half Way

Let's see... Since the South Carolina Governor dropped his bombshell yesterday, we've lost a classy pinup, and a wiener-grabbing pedo-perv bit the dust. Time marches on...

The Governor's press conference was a painful slow-motion self-deconstruction, what with the emotion and the details and the explaining. Even worse, now the juicy e-mails are on the street. John Dickerson of Slate has written an excellent piece entitled, The Disturbing Glee at Mark Sanford's Downfall. He captures perfectly the pathos of the moment and demonstrates how you can sympathize with someone without condoning the pain and destruction they've caused.

As Garrison Keillor once said, "If you don't want to go to Chicago, don't get on the bus."

His public confession and now the e-mails portray a Christian man who knew he was meeting Satan half way, which is how sin happens. The Scriptures, and human experience, are clear: The forces of evil can't wrestle you to the ground and make you tap out; you've got to cooperate. The smartest of people can do the dumbest of things.

Don't hand your enemies the knife

Of course, gleeful libs are doing giddy little jigs all over the internet because the Man Who Would Defy Obama's Bailout has fallen. South Carolina Republicans are also piling on. A politician who doesn't like to spend money is friendless. Just ask Doug Bruce, the tax-cutting, but socially retarded politician who was bounced from the Colorado GOP caucus for being rude. Politicians fancy themselves artists in the medium of money; take it away and they get pissy.

Which is worse, an emotionless one-night-stand or an intimate love affair?

What's worse, an emotionally-detached, abuse-tinged, power-differential servicing by a starry-eyed intern; or a romantic, head-over-heels falling in love in the land of Evita? This is not a Tu Quoque defense. What Governor Sanford did was inexcusable, and from a wife and family point of view, probably worse. Sex is sex, but emotional intimacy with a woman not your wife is a hard one to get past.

Jenny Sanford is no shrinking violet, as this AP story informs us. She's a Wall Street veteran who is also a dedicated wife and mother. Her absence from the Governor's side and a tersely worded press release reveal a woman just strong enough to weather this storm and set her man back on the right path while ensuring their boys learn the right lessons from all of this.

I said a prayer for the Sanfords. I said a prayer for the Edwards's also. That man's poor wife, fighting cancer with a cheating bastard at her side... They're human, and humans are fallible.

So much of society ridicules our our humanity and strips us of our dignity

Will the Sanford family get through this? With a strong woman, a repentant man, and God's grace, they just might make it. And that, more than politics or any other trivial pursuit, is truly all that matters.

Slate - John Dickerson
AP - Sanford's Wife

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford Slips: GOP Field Narrows

They have a saying in Latin America:
"En la casa del jabonero, todos resbalan, unos caen."
Loosely translated, "In the soapmaker's house everybody slips, some fall."

I spent a lot of time down there, and I have my own sayings. Here's my favorite:
Latin America, where single men come back married and married men come back single.
Now, thanks to Mark Sanford, we've got to put up with smirking liberals blabbing on about hypocritical conservatives

I don't understand the pleasure people take in the private travails of others. I don't know much about the John Edwards sex scandal, and I don't care to. I can't stand the guy, but I pray for him and his family. I would not wish family problems on anyone

The comments concerning hypocrisy are the stupidest of all. We're all human. Can't we aspire to higher ideals? What if the founding fathers had just said to hell with it and wrote a direct right to own slaves into the constitution? What if they had written all men (white men only, no women) are created equal? That would exonerate them from the hypocrisy charge but leave us a much poorer nation.

The ancient Greeks developed the philosophy of virtues. These were ideals to aspire to, not something they thought they possessed and therefore made them feel superior. Any good Christian will tell you he is a sinner who needs God's grace. The alternative is to abandon yourself to your basest instincts and say "hey, at least I'm honest!"

The news about Mark Sanford disheartens me. I hoped he would be our next president. It saddens me to see the man publicly disembowel himself and put his family through such anguish.

Liberalism's Three Amigos: Card Check, Cap and Trade, Socialized Medicine

Worst of all, while everyone salivates over the details, Congress will pass Card Check and Crap and Trade, causing the price of everything to go up and killing any chance of another Reagan or Clinton economy.

Iranians are dying for freedom and the O'President is focused on ramming a gigantic socialized medicine suppository up our posteriors

Iran tears me in two. I sympathize with the people in the streets but I oppose any US military intervention. If the CIA is not providing clandestine support we are criminally negligent.

I don't know what else to say about Iran that hasn't already been said. Anyway, seeing the rioting gives me flashbacks. We don't realize how good we've got it here. If Obama and Congress have their way, well be longing for the good old days...

God bless you and your family, Governor Sanford. God bless those Iranians manning the barricades, and God, please bless the USA...

Obama Decree: Put on a Happy Face

President Obama orders press to stop using all those zeros to describe deficits

Washington's routine use of words like billions and trillions when discussing spending is making the electorate increasingly nervous.
"I don't know where all this deficit spending will end," says Emily Littela, of Pelham, New York. "It frightening." she adds, clutching her purse as she enters the subway.
President Obama has just the solution to soothe our jangled nerves. He issued an order this morning directing the press to replace zeros with pink-sprinkle donuts. Propaganda Minister Gibbs later issued additional guidance that allowed smiley faces as well as the creative use of cheery cartoon figures to replace other numbers.

Instead of writing $1 trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) the White House now mandates:

If you like how Gumby and some breakfast pastries take the edge off of reckless government largess, you'll love what some smiley faces and a snowman can do to our 80 trillion of unfunded mandates!

That $80 trillion hole were in doesn't seem so bad after all. Feel Better now?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Government Bailout Q & A: The Lighter Side

The NY Times, the toilet paper of record, has a government bailout Q&A. Here are some excerpts:

Q: Will Chrysler and GM be owned by the US Government now?

A: Of course not. Barack Obama owns them, and as all enlightened people know, he transcends life itself, standing astride history and above all nations. Like the song says, "He's got the whole world in his hands." See? It's all OK, so relax, and leave the driving to Barack.

Q: Since the auto industry is technically part of the government now, can they stop paying taxes like the other Obama cabinet members?

A: That's an unfair question. Not all Obama staffers are tax cheats. And these things sometimes happen in the hurly burly world of big government. 31 year olds with no experience end up running auto industries, people who can't fill out tax forms end up running the IRS... Hey, these are crazy times!

Q: Is the Federal Government qualified to be meddling in the car industry?

A: I guess you're not listening. Referring back to my last answer, inexperience is no obstacle! Look, city and county governments all over this land have been making busy citizens wait in line for hours and days for drivers licenses and car tags. It time to take that to the next level: National government complicating the entire vehicular experience.

Q: Will all these new czars wear those cool-looking WW I-era helmets with the spike on top?

A: You're confused. Kaisers wore those, not czars.

Q: Oh! Right you are. Will Obama's czars wear big furry hats and grow bushy Stalin-esque moustaches? Janet Napolitano would look bad-aaaaaas!


NYT - Bailout Primer

Monday, June 22, 2009

Victory Through Retreat

In a strange Orwellian turn of events, the US Army has announced it's new plan for victory in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChristal will issue orders for U.S. and NATO forces to break away from fights with militants hiding in Afghan houses.

According to US Military Spokesman Rear Admiral Greg Smith " if there is a compound they're taking fire from and they can remove themselves from the area safely, without any undue danger to the forces, then that's the option they should take,"

Having spent close to 25 years in the US Military, I have to admit this is a new one to me. Sounds to me that, in an effort to appear closer to our European allies, we are taking one from the French playbook.

I honestly wonder how much of this comes from Gen McChristal, because it smells excessively like the over-control of boots on the ground by unqualified political appointees, much like Vietnam and McNamara's "active-role" management philosophy. With this kind of philosophy we'd still have 160,000 troops sitting on the beaches of Normandy staring at the Germans in beach houses.

One must raise the question, if they aren't there to engage enemy forces, what the hell are they doing there? If military engagement is no longer an option, then by all means bring the troops home and send in the peace corps if you want to build schools or hospitals.

This strategy, offered in the context of a military exercise would be laughable... it's not so funny when you have friends and fellow Americans there.


America For Sale

The US Treasury will put you and I further in hock to China this week, to the tune of $100,000,000,000

You've heard all the buzz-phrases:
Overleveraged... Mortgaging our future... Upside down... Under water. My favorite: They bought too much house.

Well, Americans, we bought too much government. In fact, we've created a government bubble, and it's bursting in cities and states all over this land, nowhere more so than in the World's Largest and Busiest Hog Trough, Washington DC.

States and cities are not in as deep as the Federal Government, but they are in bigger trouble because they can't print their own money or bully others into buying their outsize debt. Also, most state governments are bound by self-imposed laws that frown on deficit spending.

I wish we could hog-tie Washington

I'd love to snatch everything away from those gluttonous, incontinent senators, congressmen and their bureaucratic Mongol horde. We should
fire every politician and then require each one to pass a constitutional test in order to get his or her job back.

Wrong answers about the proper role of the Federal Government would be punished by permanent banishment back to reality. Imagine...
"I er, uh, I demaand to run health care!"
Sorry Teddy, get your ass back to Cape Cod!

Folks, they can't even protect our borders or balance a budget, what evidence is there that they can run health care, especially in light of the fiscal nightmare medicare and medicaid have become?

CNBC - Debt

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jib Jab Throws the First Jab

A hilarious Obama video from Jibjab. The guys Jibjab better watch their back. 10,000 reporters are mad as hell at them right now...

Those Greedy Taxpayers!

Notice how politicians love to punish recalcitrant voters who refuse to pass tax increases?

From the Columbus Dispatch:
Columbus police will be pulled from highways, high schools and other duties if voters reject a proposed city income-tax increase on Aug. 4, Chief Walter Distelzweig said yesterday. Nearly 300 officers would lose their jobs in layoffs.
Can't get the taxpayer to hand over more money? Then scare it out of them!

We'll cut the police force, crime will be rampant! Those brave, loyal firefighters will be out of a job, and your house will burn down. Like driving? City streets will be a cratered moonscape; a trip to the grocery store could destroy your car!

Meanwhile, in Toledo, reports that gun sales in that city are rising as the police force shrinks due to budget-imposed lay-offs.

Gun ownership is a good thing. It's taking responsibility for yourself

If more citizens shot more criminals, there would be less crime, and the sleazy perps who hadn't been shot yet would be looking for a safer way to get what they want.

We have a "make my day" law in my Colorado, and my county applies it liberally. Gun ownership is high, with a few burglars getting shot every year, so breaking and entering is a fairly rare occurrence around here.

Hope and Change Update

By the way, those Columbus policemen are the same ones Obama personally delivered stimulus money to, making a big speech about how this money would keep them employed while keeping Columbus safe.

Columbus Dispatch - Politics

Conservatives Outnumber Liberals 2-1, Pt 2

Alternate theory: Many liberals don't like to label themselves as such, so they call themselves "moderate" when the pollsters call. I hate to accept it, but that is probably closer to the truth. If 3/4 of so-called moderates are really liberals in denial, then that breakout matches the 2008 presidential election almost to a T.

I still like Glenn Beck...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Conservatives Outnumber Liberals 2-1

Results from the latest Gallup poll may just explain why the Democrats are trying to rush their agenda through: Self-identified conservatives outnumber self-identified liberals two to one. WSJ reports that support for an activist government is on the wane.

Gotta fleece the yokels and wrap up this flim flam jig before the townsfolk get out the tar and feathers!

The liberal zeitgeist sweeping the nation is not powered by enviro-friendly solar panels or Quixotic windmills, or even hot air from Al Gore. It's powered by charisma. Barack Obama's popularity is the miraculous engine driving a progressive agenda in a still-conservative nation. Once his popularity drops, liberalism will collapse like the rotten, intellectually-bereft edifice it is.

Like Glenn Beck says, We Surround Them!

Only in America...

Picture courtesy of Chicago Ray









Molto Grazie to the artistry of Chicago Ray for the picture
Props to cousin Pammy for the e-mail joke. Not only does she have a sense of humor, she's an outstanding cook with a big heart.

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's all Fun and Games until somebody loses an Island

WestPac Press: June 19, 2052 – With the final passage of the Treaty of Oahu in the Senate following the walk-out of the remaining 7 Republicans and accompanied by muted protests in Honolulu, the USS Government today transferred sovereignty of Hawaii to China in exchange for 500 trillion (US) in debt relief. With the national debt at 857 trillion dollars and the GDP hovering around 141 trillion, the United Socialist States was unable to maintain the minimum required annual payments of 54 trillion to the IMF. This action is forecast to reduce this year’s deficit from 57 down to 13 trillion barring any further currency devaluation.

While the Anglo-Polynesian and Anglo-Nippon minorities in Hawaii still maintain a slight combined majority, the vote for unification with China paralleled Chinese ownership of property with some 73 % of citizens voting for unification. Despite the overwhelming support, the outlawed Pelean Liberation Front (PLF) claimed responsibility for Post Office bombings in both Lahaina and Kailua. The People’s Liberation Army representative assured concerned citizens that peace and tranquility would soon return.

President Alexandra Pelosi in an interview on Larry King Junior Live said that despite the recent vote rescinding Alaskan statehood, there was no truth to the rumors that the government was in negotiations with the Greater Islamic Republic over the transfer of the Alaskan Territory in exchange for further debt relief and additional petroleum rations. Ending her interview on a positive note she said that everyone should be pleased with the recent fall of Billings and that if the oil held out Big Timber and Livingston should be next. With the projected transfer of another division out of Iraq, USS forces should have the rebels bottled up in Helena by first snowfall.

With the price of gas approaching six dollars a liter and last years poor harvest severely impacting ethanol supplies Congress announced that Government Motors would get another infusion of cash to support the all electric GM Plug-n-Play Fleet. The Plug-n-Play lineup of vehicles has been hard hit by National Electric’s rationing, limiting the electric supply in the city-states of the east and west to the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM. National Electric’s “Patriots go down with the Sun” campaign has done little to alleviate fuel supply problems rampant in the highly urbanized east and west coastal corridors.

In the southwest, Homeland Security announced new efforts to clamp down on the flow of illegal immigrants over the border following the fourth protest this year by Mexico to the United Nations. Facing the possibility of additional sanctions for lack of border control HS was stepping up enforcement in south Texas and California, while the governors of New Mexico and Arizona called up additional National Guard troops. The Mexican ambassador’s protest to the UN was focused on the unreasonable burden imposed on his country’s medical system by undocumented Americans seeking care.

See! You can have fun as the opposition!


A Bush Behind Every Tree

Ben Smith wrote an interesting article in Politico about how conservatives are not united on the the Iran elections.

It didn't take long for the progressive pigeons to fly in and encrust it with their ignorant brain droppings.

It's amusing to see partisans inject their own ideology into the struggles of other cultures, even to the point of defending tyranny. Here is one liberal comment borne of historical ignorance:
"Many of these neocon's ideology is why Iran had their 1979 Islamic Revolution in the first place."
Yeah, it had nothing to do with religion or secular dictatorships, the Ayatollah really hated those neocons! Here's another ridiculous comment:
"More evidence that right wingers are insane. They want to shove their religious and conservative beliefs down our throats."
Oh yes, Falwall's moral majority has built quite a theocracy here in America, what with the slutty celebutard worship and gay weddings and all. And, of course, no one on the left ever tries to shove their enviro-religion and progressive views down our throats, right?

Here's a sane comment from non-liberal Ted:
I'd like to understand how the "neocon wingnuts" affected Iran during the Carter administration. Don't you get tired blaming Americans for extremism in other parts of the world? The problem today is that there is no easy answer. It's important for the people of Iran to know the US backs them - or we risk the same sorts of massacres that have happened so often in such cases. At the same time, our support gives the hardliners the excuse of "America muddling in their election". So the question is, do you stand on principle or convenience? Either route has it's perils.
Ted is a voice of sanity toiling upon a sea of stupidity. Ignorant lefties always try to read a Neocon conspiracy into any and all events, even if they are half a world away.

To steal from Freud: Sometimes and Iranian election is just an Iranian election.

Politico - Ben Smith

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weight-Loss Advice From Oprah

In the caveat emptor category...
Lead in ginkgo pills. Arsenic in herbals. Bugs in a baby's colic and teething syrup. Toxic metals and parasites are part of nature, and all of these have been found in "natural" products and dietary supplements in recent years.

"There's at least 10 times more hoodia sold in this country than made in the world, so people are not getting hoodia," said Dr. Mehmet Oz, a heart surgeon and frequent Oprah Winfrey guest who occasionally has touted the stuff. (Source: Breitbart)
Multinationals ravage third-world biospheres at the behest of Oprah watchers. A snake oil salesman appeared on her show said some exotic tea berry or wormwood bark was the magic bullet for weight loss, and pristine forests are stripped bare, and useless junk is bottled and sold as the fountain of youth to gullible boomers.

Why would anyone take weight loss advice from Oprah?

Breitbart - Supplements

National Suicide: Three Easy Pieces

Are we crazy? Three cases where the criminals become the victim

The Justice Department has just told the state of Georgia that their system to prevent illegal aliens from voting is discriminatory.

Here in Colorado, the ACLU has sued the Weld County DA for breaking an illegal alien identity theft ring by executing a search warrant on an income tax preparer. 1,300 illegal aliens were found to be engaged in identity theft in Greeley, Colorado, but they're still living and working there, violating the law with impunity while the county is bogged down with a lawsuit costing it over $100,000.

An Oklahoma pharmacist faces murder charges for shooting and killing a miscreant who attempted to rob his store and kill the employees. You can see the video on YouTube and judge for yourself. After some major stress like that, I can understand his actions completely, regardless of what the dead perp's grieving family had to say: "He was a good boy, he liked to draw pictures... Fell in with the wrong crowd... Didn't deserve to die this way... Bla bla bla." He's smokin' a dog turd in hell now...

Are we crazy? Yes we are.
Greeley Tribune
KHOW - Peter Boyles - Video
Examiner - Dave Gibson

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools."
-- Herbert Spencer

Government Motors introduces The Obama

To thunderous applause and presidential approval, Government Motors announced its new concept car, The 2010 Obama.

It runs on hot air and broken promises and has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns. The car comes complete with two teleprompters programmed to stream Democratic propaganda, and the transparent canopy reveals the smug satisfaction on the faces of the gullible owners.
Back to Reality: The Studebaker Dictator
Yes, an American car company called Studebaker really did name a model "The Dictator." The Studebaker Dictator, according to Wikipedia, was a popular model from 1927 to 1937, right up there with The President and The Director. When Mussolini bombed Abyssinia in 1935, disillusioned Americans dropped their long and loving admiration for Il Duce. Many though, were still enamored of the strongman concept.

America was panicked because leftist intellectuals had declared capitalism dead, and people were gullible enough to believe them.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Props to my brother El Toro for the joke. I don't know where he gets this stuff.

Wikipedia - Studebaker
Reason - Three New Deals
NYT - Bruce McCall
Learning Curve - Abyssinia

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Leering Liberals, Dirty Democrats

What is it about over-the-hill liberals and their crouching, creepy interest in sex, especially when it involves teens?

*-The HuffPo editorial politburo banned this comment

First Sarah Bernhard jokes about Sarah Palin getting gang-raped in Manhattan (it's performance art. You hicks in the sticks are too unsophisticated to understand how rape can be funny.) Perhaps Bernhard has unresolved anger issues stemming from Madonna dumping her for that skinny guy.

Then it was peeping pedo-bear Larry King asking teen daddy Levi Johnston where he and the Palin daughter "did it." "Did you do it in their house?" was how he phrased one of his creepy questions.

Next, Tyra Banks turned up the heat with Levi, trying to coax intimate details about their contraceptive use, crowd hooting in the background.

Now, an aging, bitter David Letterman, not satisfied with completely trashing Sarah Palin (how original!), goes after her daughter.

Sex is wonderful, but creepy, pedo-tinged liberals make it feel all icky...

Can we pass some kind of law barring old liberals from discussing sex in public? And can we ban the Viagra and prostate commercials while we're at it?

For good commentary on the subject, click the following links:
American Thinker - Rosslyn Smith
NY Post - Lileks

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tina Brown reminds us that lib women really know how to stand by their misogynist man:
Letterman’s joke may not have been his finest hour, but at least he swiftly apologized. Meanwhile, the nation’s hockey mom scores another goal for intellectual dishonesty.
Conservatives Outnumber Liberals 2-1
Results from the latest Gallup poll may just explain why the Democrats are trying to rush their agenda through: Self-identified conservatives outnumber self-identified liberals two to one. WSJ reports that support for an activist government is on the wane.

Gotta fleece the yokels and wrap up this flim flam jig before the townsfolk get out the tar and feathers.

The liberal zeitgeist sweeping the nation is not powered by enviro-friendly solar panels or Quixotic windmills. It's powered by charisma. Barack Obama's popularity is the miraculous engine driving a progressive agenda in a still-conservative nation. Once his popularity drops, liberalism will collapse like the rotten, intellectually-bereft edifice it is.

Like Glenn Beck says, We Surround Them!

Where the Hell Have You Been???

McCain finally woke up from his nap and defended Sarah Palin. He also had fulsome praise for Barack Obama and expressed confidence he would defeat Obama in the fall election...

NY Post - Mac Defends Palin (Eight months too late!!!)

Double Dip With A Swirl

The Feral Government is a giant self-licking ice cream cone, a perpetual motion money-gobbling machine.

Here's a headline from Reuters:

FBI to Investigate Tarp, Stimulus Fraud

A chain of events has led to a downward spiral

Congress put laws in place that socialized losses but privatized profits for the financial industry, creating economic collapse.

In response, Congress and The White House borrowed trillions from China and gave it to the same irresponsible people who drove our economy over a cliff.

We now have Tarp- and bailout-related fraud, which will keep the FBI and legions of other alphabet soup agencies at full employment for a decade or more.

The economy will sputter along, necessitating more government intervention, more laws, more spending, more fraud, more investigations, pointing to more government solutions...

Feel your head spinning? It's caused by the swirl of our country being flushed down the toilet.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Burned Nutroots

The nutroots that swept President Obama to power are getting restless, but they're still cutting him slack for the most part.

Most telling, the rank and file are much angrier than the the official propagandists at Obama Joints like Huff, Koz, and Firehound. The lefty bloggers mildy criticize The One while making excuses for him and counseling patience. The proletariate ain't buying it. They are on fire with righteous anger. The constrast in tone between your average liberal blog post on Obama and the comments is striking.

Many of the President's actions have left them hoping for a little more change...

Hiding the "torture photos

Gitmo is still open and military tribunals are still happening

He upped the ante in Afghanistan

He believes marriage is between one man and one women, and has maintained a cowardly silence on the national debate

The Global War On Terror rages on as the more friendly sounding Overseas Contingecy Operation

He's even out-Bushed Bush on spending, making the former president look downright frugal.

Don't worry, nutties, he'll be back when he needs you again...
RCP - Rubin Navarrette

Ziegler Zaps Obama Inc

As Bill Maher, John Stewart and other washed up comedians forget how to ridicule the rich and powerful, others will step in.

John Ziegler, quoted in Media Bistro, Thursday, Jun 4th talking about the Brian Williams interview with the President:
"Monica Lewinsky never dreamed of doing to Bill Clinton some of the things Brian Williams did to Barack Obama"
I love this guy! Why have I not heard of him? He's a famous filmmaker. Oh, because he made the anti-Obama film, "Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected And Palin Was Targeted."

He really hits a nerve with the twisted leftards who are offended by anyone who disagrees with them. The Media Bistro article spurred some lively comments from Obama worshipers. Go here and scroll down for a long string of unbridled ignorance, such as...
wow, what a gentleman.....and yes republican men do alot of talking about gay sex....limabaugh is always talking about grabbing his ankles....rick "man on dog" santorum....o'reilly and the "gay agenda"...of course, many are closet gays, or in the case of larry craig, public restroom gay

The fact that you gave this guy a platform to spout his fringe views is absurd. I see by the circle jerk going on in the comments section below, you catered to your wingnutty readership. Great job!
Notice how everyday libs always drag the debate right to the bottom? Also, for a pro-gay crowd, they sure love to use homosexuality as a pejorative...

Serious debate may not turn this country back to conservatism, but humor and ridicule just might. Go John!

Media Bistro - John Ziegler
John Ziegler
Media Malpractice

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama Man Song from Bob & Tom

The very talented Greg Morton sings the song he wrote, "Obama Man" to the tune of "The Candy Man." Hilarious! Enjoy...

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Celebration of Idiocy for MSNBC

I have to admit, I am completely and utterly flabbergasted by the shear stupidity of this article:

Titled "A 'Celebration of Democracy' for the Islamic Republic and posted by Richard Engel, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent.

This is the epitome of liberal intellectual masturbation. Oh, isn't it nice, they are voting in droves, the lines aren't too long, and there's plenty of security.

Isn't it sweet "The state media are describing it as a celebration of democracy, that the election shows that the Islamic Republic can have a free vote and that it is in line with the principals of the Islamic Revolution. "

Followed by glowing praise from the ignorant masses (I'll keep them anonymous):

"Good for you Iran and Iranians. Other countries must learn from your people to do accordingly."

"This is most encourging - as was the election result in Lebanon. As I am a liberal person I believe in voting and negotiation befor armed confrontation and a truly democratically elected government is always a better negotiator than a despot..."

"This is just beautiful to see! "

" they should be allowed to have the atomic power. when israel can have 168 nuclear bombs and india has been provided with latest technology by USA why iran should be devoid of nuclear technology ???"

"Pres. Obama has to get at least some of the credit for this whole process. "

I'd be laughing if this wasn't so scary... think about if folks, these people commenting... VOTE!

Not one mention that the President of Iran is nothing more than a titular figurehead and all power, including final veto power, is vested in the "Supreme Leader" Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Supreme Leader is decided by a council of 86 clerics, and the supreme leader has the authority to dismiss the president and set aside any law he sees fit.

Yes my charming liberals... this is a beautiful democracy... perhaps we should model ourselves after this obviously superior form of government. We could let Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Jimmy Swaggart, Mother Angelica, Jack Van Impe, et. al. get together and pick our candidates, and then you would get to vote for them... pure unadulterated democracy ain't it? Of course, if our elected president or congress got out of hand, our supreme leader could just toss them aside! Who do you think that might be? Supreme Leader James Dopson? or perhaps Supreme Leader his Excellency Archbishop Timmy Dolan?

Proof we need socialized medicine, for you all need proctocranial extractions done and obviously can't afford it. My god people, how can representative democracy work when you are this stupid? Admittedly, there were some out there with an inkling of wisdom and knowledge of the world, but sadly it was probably an 85/15 split against intelligence.

"The video of the rallies I have seen over the past few days reminds me very much of Barack Obama's campaign".... isn't that the truth... a bunch of sheeple with the wool pulled over their eyes casting their votes for the guy with the most candy in his van, illusionary change!

Instead of giving people $4500 to trade in their gas guzzling SUV, the government ought to be giving you $4500 to take a class in comparative political systems at your local community college.

While the sentiment expressed by the Iranian voter's is admirable, alas... it's change you can't believe in.

Oxygen thieves, I'm surrounded by oxygen thieves! HELP!


P.S If they have a state media... you probably ought to be a little suspicious.

Political Joke of the Day

I don't know who did this, but dang, it's funny, and clever!

In honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: Barocky Road.

Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate,and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.

The cost is $100.00 per scoop. When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you. You are left with an empty wallet and no change, holding an empty cone with no hope of getting any ice cream.

Are you stimulated?

I've also heard that no matter how putrid the ice cream becomes, the nuts and flakes refuse to come off. Props to my buddy Larry.

Gas Powered La-Z Boy

I want me one of them!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oprah Stiffs Indigenous Amazonians

Fat, balding, baby boomers, libido in decline and cholesterol rising, could perhaps represent the single greatest threat to the environment and the benighted savages who inhabit exotic corners of the world.

A helmet-haired huckster made of plastic goes on Oprah touting the latest miracle food and five minutes later some multi-national is paying indigenous people to strip their own forests bare to feed the insatiable Americans.

May 14 (Bloomberg) -- Rising U.S. sales of acai, a purple Amazon berry promoted as a “superfood” on Oprah Winfrey’s Web site, are depriving Brazilian jungle dwellers of a protein-rich nutrient they’ve relied on for generations.

Spending on acai-based products by Americans seeking to lose weight, gain energy or slow aging doubled to $104 million last year, according to SPINS, a Schaumburg, Illinois-based market research firm. Since U.S. demand took off early this decade, the fruit’s wholesale price in Brazil has jumped about 60-fold, Embrapa data show.

People in this country need to slow down and face reality. We all age; there is no fountain of youth. Hair goes gray and falls out. We get wrinkles, paunches, and saggy butts. Libido peaks in the early 20's for men.

There are no miracle cures, so leave the poor of the world alone with their berries and fruits. You already have a longer life span than they do, so why would you think their food is so miraculous, anyway?

So, boomers, stop being so gullible. The key to happiness doesn't lie in miracle foods or magic potions. Live right, eat right, enjoy your pleasures in moderation, get some exercise, and say your prayers. We've all got to die of something.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Tortured Charade

We are not safer, and the President's Guantanamo posturing, along with the release of the "torture memos" only puts us more in danger.

Cheney and Obama went head-to-head a few weeks ago over the treatment of captured terrorsts, with the former VP administering a masterful schooling to the President. Gerald Seib sums the issue up quite succinctly in his definitive WSJ analysis:

He (Cheney) said the release "was flatly contrary to the national security interest of the United States," adding that it gave terrorists "a lengthy insert for their training manual."

Mr. Obama said releasing the memos in no way helped aspiring terrorists train against U.S. tactics, since the interrogation techniques were now banned by the White House.

Cheney is right. Obama is wrong. Here is how the memos help any terrorist going up against the US:

The memos reveal our medically-supervised, careful regard for human life and the law, what with the fake walls, anti-whiplash collars and whatnot. Oliver North said it best. I paraphrase from memory, with my own embellishments added in, so apologies to the Colonel:

These techniques were intended to scare the crap out of the scraggly bearded rabble we scooped up off the battlefield. Killing and torturing is against our values, so we cannot do those things; but we sure as hell can make captured combatants think that we will torture or kill them. So we scare the crap out of them hoping they will spill the beans. We crafted a deliberately well-thought out plan intended to put mortal fear into them, but the cat's out of the bag now.

What's the lesson?

Imagine the following advice being dispensed in a thick Arabic accent to a young jihadi: Americans are weak. They can't even bring themselves to kill their mortal enemies. If you're captured, take the fifth, ask for your ACLU lawyer and an International Red Cross representative. You can ride out whatever they throw at you while reclining at table eating halal. Accuse them of Koran abuse while you're at it. They will not kill you, they will not harm you. They will only try to scare you with threats that we now know are empty.

That's it folks. The Obama administration has emptied the toolbag. Feel safer now?
WSJ - No Middle Ground - Gerald Seib

The Audacity of BS

Does President Obama think we're stupid? The guy drops $4 Trillion ($4,000,000,000,000) and then warns Congress to watch the spending. I'd laugh if I weren't sick to my stomach...
Obama urged passage of "pay-as-you-go" legislation that would require any new tax cut or automatic spending program to be paid for within the budget.

"Entitlement increases and tax cuts need to be paid for. They are not free," said Obama
Charles Manson admonishing people to avoid dropping acid and killing people...

Chris Matthews telling someone they talk too loud...

Lindsay Lohan giving driving tips...

Adolph Hitler urging his fellow man to lay the hatred down and give peace a chance...

You can get by with big lies like this when the press is in love with you.
Apparently, it is possible to fool all the liberals all the time...

Reuters - Obama Spending
Fortune CNN - America's Great Debt
Bronstein at Large - Love or Lust, the press and Obama

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Palin -VS- Obama and the press, and the comedians, and the pop culture...

Sarah Palin is back in the news again, as is Newt. Newt’s presidential hopes are toast; the libs have indelibly demonized him. Sarah, on the other hand, still has a fighting chance.

If Palin wants to be the 2012 nominee, she needs to come out swinging now. She has to redeem herself after the dog-piling she received from the Democrats, the press, the comedians, supposed feminists, and pop culture in general. Even fellow Repubs left her twisting in the wind. Hell, McCain showed more anger at perceived slights against Obama than he did towards the Palin smears.

The Hannity interview was good, but he’s friendly territory. Smart and sassy Sarah needs to face off with John Stewart on his turf. She should cheerily jump in that bucket of crabs known as The View (Talk about a diamond in a pile of excrement!) She must submit herself to any and all hostile MSM’ers if she is to erase the public perception that she is a lightweight twinkie.

Obama Shows Palin The Way

Palin can be president. Obama has blazed the way. If a community organizer with zero experience can make it to the White House, surely a former business owner and governor can. Who would you rather have staring down our international adversaries? A woman who stood up to her own party bosses and “big oil” and defeated them? Or an effete metrosexual who’s never run so much as a hot dog stand and who’s greatest intellectual achievement is writing two books about himself?

If Palin doesn’t come back fighting and vindicate herself, she will be Quayle’d. Vice President Dan Quayle is another fine conservative unfairly painted as a dunce.

Remember when Dan Quayle was asked about his trip to Latin America and he said he didn’t speak Latin? Everybody laughs at that one. The only problem is, it never happened.

Palin never said she could see Russia from her house, either. Tina Fey said that. Liberal pop culture has made us so stupid we can’t tell fantasy from reality, and liberal elites bank on that, which explains our current situation.

Meanwhile, The Smartest and Noblest Man to Ever Occupy the White House, when talking of Austria, said he didn’t speak Austrian. There is no such language, they speak German there. The washed up comics found no humor in that one, and our pretend reporters made excuses for him.

This is what Sarah Palin, and the rest of us conservatives, are up against. Godspeed, Sarah…

Reality Redefined: Liberal Financial Advice

Credit Card Rules Will Change For Everybody-The Vocabulary Already Has

Congress has "fixed" the credit "gougers", but those of us who pay off our balance each month will be the ones who really pay, in the form of annual fees.

Michelle Singletary,
a liberal collectivist disguised as a financial expert, gleefully explains it all in her WaPo article, scolding us greedy capitalists along the way.

She does what liberals do best: she hijacks the language to redefine reality.

In Singletary's ObamaNation, financially responsible people who use credit cards to pay bills and accumulate points while paying off the balance each month are being "subsidized" by the low-income who are "gouged" by the "credit pushers." How dare the greedy credit card companies demand interest from the poor who carry balances!

Thrifty people with good credit ratings "mooched" mortgage money from the bank, "cheating" deadbeats out of their "fair share".

Here's a big shovel-full from her "advice" column:

I know many of you feel entitled to use a credit card without any cost because you diligently and responsibly pay off the bill before the due date...

You probably never considered that the credit pushers made your access to "free" money possible by gouging the less fortunate with hideous penalty fees and wicked double-digit interest rates. Effectively, the most financially vulnerable consumers have subsidized the low interest rates and rewards programs that the more financially secure enjoy.

I know what some of you may be thinking: "Good for me; too bad for them. That's how capitalism works."

Right you are. That is how capitalism works. And at times it's a selfish system.

We live in a society where many people who do well can't sympathize with those who don't. We've created a culture in which people live by "I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps" or "I got mine; it's up to you to get yours."

The recent push in Congress to halt some of the industry's most egregious practices was aimed at helping less-fortunate consumers buried under credit card debt.

I admire her Orwellian use of the language, but to such liberals I ask a few simple questions:

If you were lending your own money out, would you lend equally to any and all, or would you rank the borrowers according to creditworthiness?

Would you really fork over one thousand dollars of your own money to a urine-stained stew bum who defecates in mailboxes and refuses to enter a homeless shelter because they make him leave his hooch at the door?

OK, more realistically, how about giving two thousand to your irresponsible neighbors who bought too much car and too much house and must constantly play musical bills because they refuse to downsize their lifestyle?

DemWorld: Up is Down, Down is Up

It's official: Responsible credit card user are now grouped with the "vultures" who kept the car companies afloat by purchasing their bonds and then asking to be paid back. Irresponsible credit card users now join the ranks of the virtuous, along with the unions that ran their companies broke with gold-plated bennies and outrageous labor costs.

And no, I don't sympathize with people who find themselves in trouble because they spent more than they can afford. Back in the day, making an irresponsible mess caused people to feel shame, which motivated them to avoid such behavior in the future.
And He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
No, that's not about Obama. It's about God (Rev 21:4). Until Christ comes back, there will remain upon this earth crying, death, sorrow, and pain, regardless of what the liberals would have us believe.

* - Props to my buddy OD for alerting me to this liberal bs.

WaPo - Singletary