
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama: Sycophantic Neophyte?

Why a Sycophantic Neophyte? Cause Ass-Kissing Noob just seems too harsh and disrespectful of the office.

Sucking up seems to be what it is all about these days, the administrations actions have less to do with supporting democracy and more to do with supporting the status quo, all the while applying liberal lip-action to the derrieres of the Chavenistas in the misguided belief they will suddenly start liking us.

An elected president, in a vain attempt to stay in power, attempts to amend the countries constitution outside of the established and legal methodology. The country's Supreme Court rules his actions unconstitutional and the country's democratically elected congress votes to remove him due to "repeated violations of the constitution and the law", this action is also supported by the country's Supreme Court.

Obama's response is "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras." So how exactly do you figure that, Mr. President? Sounds like democracy is working just fine in Honduras. Let us take it from a slightly different perspective. If the US Supreme Court ruled your actions "unconstitutional" and you were impeached by our congress, would your removal be legal? Would the UN be clamoring for your return? Would the whole process be "democratic"?

I am dismayed at the pandering and short sightedness of the administration's position, the people of Honduras have spoken through their Supreme Court and duly elected representatives, they have removed a potential dictator who was illegally attempting to consolidate his grip on power. Let me ask you this Mr. President... will your calls for his return be met with just as vehement calls for his ousting upon the termination of his constitutional term?

The handling of this affair has been clumsy, misguided, and have set a bad example to the rest of the world about what democracy is all about.



Silverfiddle said...

I like ass-kissing noob better. What bothers me is, I can't figure out why he is ass-kissing?

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