
Monday, June 15, 2009

Double Dip With A Swirl

The Feral Government is a giant self-licking ice cream cone, a perpetual motion money-gobbling machine.

Here's a headline from Reuters:

FBI to Investigate Tarp, Stimulus Fraud

A chain of events has led to a downward spiral

Congress put laws in place that socialized losses but privatized profits for the financial industry, creating economic collapse.

In response, Congress and The White House borrowed trillions from China and gave it to the same irresponsible people who drove our economy over a cliff.

We now have Tarp- and bailout-related fraud, which will keep the FBI and legions of other alphabet soup agencies at full employment for a decade or more.

The economy will sputter along, necessitating more government intervention, more laws, more spending, more fraud, more investigations, pointing to more government solutions...

Feel your head spinning? It's caused by the swirl of our country being flushed down the toilet.



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