
Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Rabbi and the Superstar

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Michael Jackson were friends! I still can't get over it. Anyway, in a Jerusalem Post article the Rabbi quotes The Gloved One:
"I think all my success and fame, and I have wanted it, I have wanted it because I wanted to be loved. That's all. That's the real truth. I wanted people to love me, truly love me, because I never really felt loved. I said I know I have an ability. Maybe if I sharpened my craft, maybe people will love me more. I just wanted to be loved because I think it is very important to be loved and to tell people that you love them and to look in their eyes and say it."
Isn't that all anyone wants, to be loved? I believe that is what drives the behavior of famous people. It explains the Dixie Chicks ingratiating themselves with Europeans by trashing the US. It Explains President Obama trashing the US...

To a star, love is throngs of adoring fans

We mere mortals must satisfy ourselves with more pedestrian love-substitutes like drugs, booze, and prostitution. Come to think of it, so do many of the rich and famous, which indicts popularity as a fraud. How many happy alcoholics, drug users or porn addicts do you know? These don't bring happiness either. Make it, wallow in it, snort it up your nose. Empirical evidence says it can't buy you happiness.

Only connecting with another human being, intimately and honestly, can really satisfy. I think this also explains the anger we see in some people. If your soul ain't right, ain't nothin' right.

World Peace Through Inner Peace

People at war with themselves can't contain the violence; they must spread it to others. Unhappy families make unhappy communities, which make unhappy societies and nations, and unhappy nations make war. You can't solve the problem of war without calming the fires raging in the breasts of angry human beings.

Based on what Rabbi Shmuley says, Jackson did his level best to be a loving father to his children, and may God bless him for that. Jackson's conversations with the Rabbi lend credence to the popular notion that crappy fathering and a lack of a childhood are what screwed him up. And he knew he was screwed up, but like so many of us, was unable to unscrew himself. Regardless, he was determined that what happened to him did not happen to his kids, and may God grant him that wish.

JPost - Rabbi Shmuley Boteach


Ben Sutherland said...

What a nice reflection, Kurt. Very much along the lines of my own thoughts. A very say life that man led. And no amount of money or fame made that fact go away.

And I think you cut right to the core of it.

Silverfiddle said...

I think MJ's life was a freak show, but I still pray he Rests in Peace. And I do admire his desire to see that his kids don't grow up screwed up.

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