
Monday, June 22, 2009

America For Sale

The US Treasury will put you and I further in hock to China this week, to the tune of $100,000,000,000

You've heard all the buzz-phrases:
Overleveraged... Mortgaging our future... Upside down... Under water. My favorite: They bought too much house.

Well, Americans, we bought too much government. In fact, we've created a government bubble, and it's bursting in cities and states all over this land, nowhere more so than in the World's Largest and Busiest Hog Trough, Washington DC.

States and cities are not in as deep as the Federal Government, but they are in bigger trouble because they can't print their own money or bully others into buying their outsize debt. Also, most state governments are bound by self-imposed laws that frown on deficit spending.

I wish we could hog-tie Washington

I'd love to snatch everything away from those gluttonous, incontinent senators, congressmen and their bureaucratic Mongol horde. We should
fire every politician and then require each one to pass a constitutional test in order to get his or her job back.

Wrong answers about the proper role of the Federal Government would be punished by permanent banishment back to reality. Imagine...
"I er, uh, I demaand to run health care!"
Sorry Teddy, get your ass back to Cape Cod!

Folks, they can't even protect our borders or balance a budget, what evidence is there that they can run health care, especially in light of the fiscal nightmare medicare and medicaid have become?

CNBC - Debt


Chicago Ray said...

These people are entirelt out of control and realize that most of us American's are simply not used to this revolutionary actions that are needed today to overthrow this mortgaging of America to the Chicoms for Obama's Union buddies.

So they know for the most part they're safe until at least 2010 to do whatever the hellthey can get away with.. A BIG WTF Silverfiddle

(I havent forgotten your photoshop idea, been brutally busy these past few days..coming soon)

Silverfiddle said...

Now that Obama's in office, does ChiComs mean the Chinese, or the Obama crowd from Chicago?

Chicago Ray said...

You know what Silverfiddle, I guess it can mean both, although in this case it was meant to be Chinese Communists hence CHI COMS

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