
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The News: Making us Dumber by the Day

I'm tired of this "GOP in Disarray" crap. Republican infighting and policy incoherence is a side show at best. They have no power so they don't matter right now, so why even waste ink on them?

Daniel Drezner says the GOP is adrift on foreign policy. My immediate response was, "So is Obama." Anyway, so what? Republicans don't control anything! And unlike Democrats, they still believe in the quaint notion of ending politics at the waters edge.

I'm also tired of people who aren't Republican or even Conservative trying to drive the party off a cliff with stupid advice about becoming more like the Democrats. God save us from that. One Democratic party is more than enough. The press and the commentariate should be driving a national debate over what is happening in this country and the world.

We are all stupider for listening to our national news media.

When they refuse to report on the flailing failures of their heroes in the Democratic party, I guess criticizing hapless Republicans is the only amusement they have left.

RCP - Navarette
National Interest - Drezner


Finntann said...

something I've been considering:

Silverfiddle said...

I just looked at your link and I like the concept. I believe any third-party is political suicide. We need a takeover from within, which is what the Republican Liberty Caucus sounds like.

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