
Friday, June 19, 2009

A Bush Behind Every Tree

Ben Smith wrote an interesting article in Politico about how conservatives are not united on the the Iran elections.

It didn't take long for the progressive pigeons to fly in and encrust it with their ignorant brain droppings.

It's amusing to see partisans inject their own ideology into the struggles of other cultures, even to the point of defending tyranny. Here is one liberal comment borne of historical ignorance:
"Many of these neocon's ideology is why Iran had their 1979 Islamic Revolution in the first place."
Yeah, it had nothing to do with religion or secular dictatorships, the Ayatollah really hated those neocons! Here's another ridiculous comment:
"More evidence that right wingers are insane. They want to shove their religious and conservative beliefs down our throats."
Oh yes, Falwall's moral majority has built quite a theocracy here in America, what with the slutty celebutard worship and gay weddings and all. And, of course, no one on the left ever tries to shove their enviro-religion and progressive views down our throats, right?

Here's a sane comment from non-liberal Ted:
I'd like to understand how the "neocon wingnuts" affected Iran during the Carter administration. Don't you get tired blaming Americans for extremism in other parts of the world? The problem today is that there is no easy answer. It's important for the people of Iran to know the US backs them - or we risk the same sorts of massacres that have happened so often in such cases. At the same time, our support gives the hardliners the excuse of "America muddling in their election". So the question is, do you stand on principle or convenience? Either route has it's perils.
Ted is a voice of sanity toiling upon a sea of stupidity. Ignorant lefties always try to read a Neocon conspiracy into any and all events, even if they are half a world away.

To steal from Freud: Sometimes and Iranian election is just an Iranian election.

Politico - Ben Smith


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