
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Burned Nutroots

The nutroots that swept President Obama to power are getting restless, but they're still cutting him slack for the most part.

Most telling, the rank and file are much angrier than the the official propagandists at Obama Joints like Huff, Koz, and Firehound. The lefty bloggers mildy criticize The One while making excuses for him and counseling patience. The proletariate ain't buying it. They are on fire with righteous anger. The constrast in tone between your average liberal blog post on Obama and the comments is striking.

Many of the President's actions have left them hoping for a little more change...

Hiding the "torture photos

Gitmo is still open and military tribunals are still happening

He upped the ante in Afghanistan

He believes marriage is between one man and one women, and has maintained a cowardly silence on the national debate

The Global War On Terror rages on as the more friendly sounding Overseas Contingecy Operation

He's even out-Bushed Bush on spending, making the former president look downright frugal.

Don't worry, nutties, he'll be back when he needs you again...
RCP - Rubin Navarrette


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