
Monday, June 29, 2009

Tax and Slave: We're All Crazy Now

We're sitting on Humongously large deposits of natural gas, oil, and coal, but ObamaCongress just mandated that we revert to a 1790's per capita carbon usage level.

If it were good for big business, they would be doing it already

Make big business pay for all that carbon they produce? They'll just pass it on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. If the government blocks them from doing that, they'll just move to a less stupid country that still believes in free enterprise, like India.

Uncle Sugar Want You! ... to be his addicted crack ho

Your light bill just went up, but no worry, ObamaCongress will borrow money from China to help you pay it in the form of government energy assistance. That's right. They already have plans for an energy assistance plan. Sure, they create disasters with their legislation, but that's just an opportunity to create more legislation! They confiscate dollars from you, rake their take, and give you back pennies. Call it what you want: DC Conveyor Belt, Self-licking ice cream cone, theft. In Italy the call it the Mafia. A free citizenry would call it tyranny.

Economic Castration Upon The Altar of Gaia

Here's another thought. What if we were able to reduce our petroleum usage by 50%? What would happen? The global price would go down, and Russia, India and China would enjoy an economic boom, pouring more pollution into the atmosphere from the cheap petroleum, while we economically castrate ourselves upon the altar of Gaia.

The Science is not Settled

Australia is rolling back their carbon emissions scheme, according to Kimberley Strassel at WSJ. A growing chorus of respected scientists are defying the Reverend Al Gore of The International Church of Gaia. Why?

Because the Earth is Not Warming, and any scientist can tell you that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant!

This 1,000 + pages of legislation is madness. This is a scheme that could only be perpetrated on a people made stupid by two generations of state-run, liberal indoctrination disguised as education.

Who benefits? T. Boone Pickens and his Quixotic windmills, along with every other scam artist crafty enough to "go green" in order to curry favor with the O'Government. Reverend Al Gore, Church of Gaia also benefits because he owns a company that sells indulgences to guilty polluters.

A billionaire businessman benefiting from Democratic legislation that Republicans wanted to kill. Imagine that... Of course the progressives will even things all out by demonizing non-green businesses. It's what progressives do: Pick winners and losers, because some animals are more equal than others.


Red said...

This is as bad as selling indulgences to get parishoners a get-out-of-purgatory card. Why aren't people just OUTRAGED over this farce??

Silverfiddle said...

Many people are genuinely afraid of global warming, despite evidence that 1)the earth stopped warming eight years ago; and 2) the sun probably caused the warming, not man.

Wait till this hits people in the wallet. The Dems will have to have the press working overtime to blame this one on the GOP.

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