
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Those Greedy Taxpayers!

Notice how politicians love to punish recalcitrant voters who refuse to pass tax increases?

From the Columbus Dispatch:
Columbus police will be pulled from highways, high schools and other duties if voters reject a proposed city income-tax increase on Aug. 4, Chief Walter Distelzweig said yesterday. Nearly 300 officers would lose their jobs in layoffs.
Can't get the taxpayer to hand over more money? Then scare it out of them!

We'll cut the police force, crime will be rampant! Those brave, loyal firefighters will be out of a job, and your house will burn down. Like driving? City streets will be a cratered moonscape; a trip to the grocery store could destroy your car!

Meanwhile, in Toledo, reports that gun sales in that city are rising as the police force shrinks due to budget-imposed lay-offs.

Gun ownership is a good thing. It's taking responsibility for yourself

If more citizens shot more criminals, there would be less crime, and the sleazy perps who hadn't been shot yet would be looking for a safer way to get what they want.

We have a "make my day" law in my Colorado, and my county applies it liberally. Gun ownership is high, with a few burglars getting shot every year, so breaking and entering is a fairly rare occurrence around here.

Hope and Change Update

By the way, those Columbus policemen are the same ones Obama personally delivered stimulus money to, making a big speech about how this money would keep them employed while keeping Columbus safe.

Columbus Dispatch - Politics


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