
Friday, June 12, 2009

A Celebration of Idiocy for MSNBC

I have to admit, I am completely and utterly flabbergasted by the shear stupidity of this article:

Titled "A 'Celebration of Democracy' for the Islamic Republic and posted by Richard Engel, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent.

This is the epitome of liberal intellectual masturbation. Oh, isn't it nice, they are voting in droves, the lines aren't too long, and there's plenty of security.

Isn't it sweet "The state media are describing it as a celebration of democracy, that the election shows that the Islamic Republic can have a free vote and that it is in line with the principals of the Islamic Revolution. "

Followed by glowing praise from the ignorant masses (I'll keep them anonymous):

"Good for you Iran and Iranians. Other countries must learn from your people to do accordingly."

"This is most encourging - as was the election result in Lebanon. As I am a liberal person I believe in voting and negotiation befor armed confrontation and a truly democratically elected government is always a better negotiator than a despot..."

"This is just beautiful to see! "

" they should be allowed to have the atomic power. when israel can have 168 nuclear bombs and india has been provided with latest technology by USA why iran should be devoid of nuclear technology ???"

"Pres. Obama has to get at least some of the credit for this whole process. "

I'd be laughing if this wasn't so scary... think about if folks, these people commenting... VOTE!

Not one mention that the President of Iran is nothing more than a titular figurehead and all power, including final veto power, is vested in the "Supreme Leader" Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Supreme Leader is decided by a council of 86 clerics, and the supreme leader has the authority to dismiss the president and set aside any law he sees fit.

Yes my charming liberals... this is a beautiful democracy... perhaps we should model ourselves after this obviously superior form of government. We could let Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Jimmy Swaggart, Mother Angelica, Jack Van Impe, et. al. get together and pick our candidates, and then you would get to vote for them... pure unadulterated democracy ain't it? Of course, if our elected president or congress got out of hand, our supreme leader could just toss them aside! Who do you think that might be? Supreme Leader James Dopson? or perhaps Supreme Leader his Excellency Archbishop Timmy Dolan?

Proof we need socialized medicine, for you all need proctocranial extractions done and obviously can't afford it. My god people, how can representative democracy work when you are this stupid? Admittedly, there were some out there with an inkling of wisdom and knowledge of the world, but sadly it was probably an 85/15 split against intelligence.

"The video of the rallies I have seen over the past few days reminds me very much of Barack Obama's campaign".... isn't that the truth... a bunch of sheeple with the wool pulled over their eyes casting their votes for the guy with the most candy in his van, illusionary change!

Instead of giving people $4500 to trade in their gas guzzling SUV, the government ought to be giving you $4500 to take a class in comparative political systems at your local community college.

While the sentiment expressed by the Iranian voter's is admirable, alas... it's change you can't believe in.

Oxygen thieves, I'm surrounded by oxygen thieves! HELP!


P.S If they have a state media... you probably ought to be a little suspicious.


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