
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colorado Reaction to Dem Health Care? Revulsion

People from both sides of the political spectrum — and apolitical consumers — said they were deeply skeptical about the health care bill being put together by Congress and the White House.

About 800,000 Colorado residents, representing one-sixth of the state’s population, are uninsured. The state’s politics are mixed and somewhat unpredictable. Colorado has a sizable contingent of people who want a single-payer government-financed health care system, as well as libertarians and Tea Party protesters opposed to big government.

Few of those interviewed here expect to see direct benefits from the legislation. Many complained of sweetheart deals done to win votes in the Senate. Liberals and conservatives alike said Congress was too influenced by special interests.
Here is a typical Colorado woman:
Tamara L. Kirch, who is uninsured and stands to benefit from the legislation, bristled at the proposed requirement to buy insurance.

“We have a frontier mentality,” Ms. Kirch said. “I don’t want the government telling me what to do.” (She feels the same way about abortion: “The government should not tell a woman what to do with her womb.”)
Continue reading, and you see even Democrats are upset, although they blame "Corporations" and "special interests."  The common reaction seems to be disgust at the DC Democrats' embarrassing display

The final part of the article inadvertently makes the case for congress dropping the whole failed project and leaving it to the states to innovate and develop unique solutions that work for them:
Colorado has been an incubator of innovation. Denver Health is considered a model for public hospitals. Health economists point to Grand Junction, Colo., to show how collaboration by doctors and hospitals can produce high-quality, low-cost care.
Bottom Line:  This is bad for Democrats in Colorado.

NY Times


Finntann said...

Leave it to the states? What are you? A Constitutionalist?

We screwed up when we started referring to ourselves as "The United States" as opposed to "These United States".

Up the Republic!

Silverfiddle said...

Amen! Looking forward to a Finntann post tomorrow. I'm off to Copper!

Snarky Basterd said...

Good. Here's another governor seat we can pick up in November.

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