
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can We Please Start Letting Crises Go To Waste Again?

Will Wilkerson longs for the good old days when a crisis was just something to solve, not an excuse for another trillion dollar government enterprise.  He's really down on Former President Bush, but I agree with his larger point, which could simply be put as "Enough Already!"

The Aughts began in crisis when the second plane hit the second tower on Sept. 11, 2001.

The Bush administration, loath to let a serious crisis go to waste, managed to parlay the nation's alarm and credulity into an ill-conceived invasion of an entirely unrelated country, wasting over a trillion dollars and many tens of thousands of lives, all while losing control of the fight in Afghanistan and failing utterly to bring down Osama bin Laden.
  (The Week - Will Wilkerson)
He accuses Obama of the same crime:
Bush's botched attempts to capitalize on crisis—the ugly aftermath to which Obama is heir—might have made an alert leader wary. But instead, Obama set up shop in the Oval Office and proceeded immediately to use crisis as (Emanuel's words again) "an opportunity to do things you'd think you could not do."  

Similarly, the Obama administration could have focused narrowly on getting the economy back on its feet, on getting the unemployed back to work, but it didn’t. Instead, it has followed Bush’s lead, pushing its most ardently desired policies through the window of crisis. A prolonged economic quagmire may be our reward.
A "Marriage of Incompetence and Craven Opportunism"
This marriage of incompetence and craven opportunism is so much in the familiar spirit of the age that one must conclude that the age itself remains unchanged.


Anonymous said...

Fed announces spending freeze at almost 13,000,000,000,000.00 but foreign aid is not part of the i know where my tax money is going to!

we need a complete halt on gov spending regardless of what it is, defense, aid, salaries, etc.

Silverfiddle said...

And you know, if we did nothing more than simply freeze spending, our debt would shrink relative to our economy. I don't know why this is so hard...

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