
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Lib Grip is Slipping

Congratulations to Senator Scott Brown (REPUBLICAN! from Massachusetts) !

Liberals everywhere are curled up in a shivering, blubbering little ball in the darkened corners of their stinky dens...  This is the beginning of the end for them.  God Bless America, (and I never thought I'd be saying this)  God Bless Massachusetts!

More Reasons for Conservative Optimism

More Americans than ever before identify themselves as Conservative

The Telegraph, a British paper, has published its annual lists of "Most Influential Liberals" and Most Influential Conservatives."

Our Top 20 is Better Than Their Top 20

The Liberal Top 20
The liberal list is peppered with dynastic repeat names people have grown weary of (Obamas, Clintons), flash in the pan lightweights who will be forgotten in a few years (Napolitano, Geithner) and tired old political hacks (Axelrod, Gore, Emanual, Frank, Kerry, Pelosi).  This is not a young, hip list.  It is an old, entrenched, creaky, stodgy list.  Liberals are so yesterday...

The Conservative List
The conservative top 7 is dominated not by elected officials, but articulate media figures.  Liberals continue to scream about these people, but they're not running for anything!  And they provide a brilliant counterweight to the Hollywood-MSM-Liberal DC axis of progressive evil:

Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Sarah Palin, Robert Gates, Glenn Beck, Roger Ailes

Has some clunkers that we've been trying to trade in:  George W. Bush, John McCain,  Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee. 

But the top 20 is also full of future promise
David Petraeus, Paul Ryan, Tim Pawlenty, Eric Cantor, Mike Pence, Bob McDonnell.  There are no comparable figures on the left.

Democrats are driving a clapped-out, backwards-looking, one-size-fits-all, statist agenda. They are fueled by taxpayer money and constitutional ignorance, both of which are in diminishing supply.

The Conservative Agenda of the Young Guns is a small-government, constitutional one.  It is about liberty and a brighter future unencumbered by tangles of progressive we-say-so regulations and bloated debt.

 We've got the youth, the mojo and the ideas.  The future looks bright.


Christopher said...

Novemember seems a long way off,but it is not. We must stay on message and never let up. The 'clunkers' line is sweet but I will give no cash for them nor want any either.

Thank you Massachusetts for doing the RIGHT thing!

Fredd said...

If that Top 20 Conservative list were in front of me on my Microsoft Word page, I would highlight Newt Gingrich, hit delete, and where the cursor blinks start typing S-C-O-T-T space B-R-O....

jadedfellow said...

Hey Fiddle,

Somewhere listing of, "We the Conservative People", would be appropriate. Without us their would be no list?

Silverfiddle said...

Jaded: It ain't my list, but I agree with you. We The People should be #1

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