
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Congress Shall Make No Law... Let Free Speech Ring!

Echoes of FDR in Obama's attack on the Supreme Court

Is anyone else besides me worn out listening to this constitutional ignoramus of a president rail against some God-given freedom or another?  

Despite what his slobbering lefty sycophants say, he's not a "constitutional scholar." He merely taught constitutional law at a college for a few years, so we can drop the fancy honorifics, especially in light of his bald constitutional ignorance
"This ruling opens the floodgates for an unlimited amount of special interest money into our democracy," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address.
Unlimited Amount of Special Interest Money?  Has he looked around lately? 
He and his fellow hogs at the DC trough are wallowing in special interest money.  Mr. Obama is the All-Time Special Interest Money Gathering Champion.  His shakedown skills are unmatched!  
"It gives the special interest lobbyists new leverage to spend millions on advertising to persuade elected officials to vote their way -- or to punish those who don't. This ruling strikes at democracy itself," Obama said.
But it's OK when unions do it.  And a liberal press can sing the praises of a hope and change candidate all day long up to and through election day without incurring government wrath.  Your argument is BOGUS, Mr. President! 

Scrape the constitution off the sole of your $500 shoes and read the First Amendment!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...
What part of "Congress shall make no law" don't you understand? 
It says nothing of citizens or corporations or special interests.  Free speech is a God-given right and the constitution says government cannot abridge it. Maybe liberals are too stupid to think for themselves and must be protected from "dangerous" speech, but We the People are not.  

This is about Power and Control
Like FDR, Obama has a great progressive agenda he must advance in spite of the unenlightened simpletons standing in the way.  Like FDR, he is now excoriating the Supreme Court for daring to reassert a constitutionally-guaranteed right.  He wants the power to control who says what and when they can say it.  It's how they rig the game in their favor. 

Well, Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kennedy, Alito, Scalia and Thomas just patched over the constitutional rat hole created by McCain-Feingold, Mr. President.  You and you progressives will have to find another way to undermine the foundation. 

Excerpts from Chief Justice Roberts:
"This careful consideration convinces me that Congress violates the First Amendment when it decrees that some speakers may not engage in political speech at election time, when it matters most."

Roberts warned: "The fact that the law currently grants a favored position to media corporations is no reason to overlook the danger inherent in accepting a theory that would allow government restrictions on their political speech."  (Source:  WaPo)
Here is the money quote:  
Roberts also pointed out that an exception in the McCain-Feingold law for media companies was "simply a matter of legislative grace."
A grace that congress has no right to grant, since they also have no right to take it away in the first place.   This is what liberals do.  They confiscate our freedoms and then dole them back out as favors for good behavior. 

Modern-day legislation is an embarrassing congeries of capricious fiats and clawing usurpations that cry to be knocked down.

The Supreme Court has ripped one board off of the creaking, rotten House That Progressivism Built.  That is why Obama and his followers are howling so loudly.  Time to grab hammers and crowbars and finish knocking the damned thing to the ground.


Christopher said...

I really got into it with 'union' co-workers on Friday about this SP decision.

I was hitting all the points you make here,,good job.

The current resident of the White House is not the only one clueless as to the Constitution or the special interests that BHO surrounds himself with.

One would think the writing is on the wall when Andy Stern has weekly meetings in the Oval Office,

Christopher said...

Oops on SP, should be SC

WomanHonorThyself said...

he is so exquisitely unqualified for anything! Ahhh Happy Sunday my friend!:)

Redneck Ron said...

want to excercise my right for free speach, "GO VIKINGS"!

Snarky Basterd said...

Very nicely done, Kurt. What I find amazing is that 4 Justices DIDN'T think that Congress violated the Constitution. For people who are supposed to be pretty smart, they're really dumb.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Snarky Bastard, you said "....For people who are supposed to be pretty smart, they're really dumb." Dumb like a fox maybe.

How about all the millions of dollars the Obama campaign received from unnamed foreign sources that was untraceable, and how about the millions of campaign funds he ended up giving to ACORN and the 8 million from his campaign funds that he gave to his cousin in Kenya to help overthrow the Kenyan government. That little episode ended up in the the deaths of hundreds of Christians burned alive in their churches by the pro-Islamic group headed by Obama's cousin.

I don't think Obama is ignorant of the Constitution, I think he knows exactly what he is doing, and Bill O'Rielly had better wake up and smell the coffee. He keeps sticking up for Obama and claiming that Obama ran as a moderate, but was forced to the left by the leftists in congress and the Democrat party. That is the biggest pile of B.S. because Obama ran as a leftist and told the people exactly what he was going to do.

And remember during one of the debates, Obama said; "If you want to know how I am going to govern, look at the people I surround myself with." Need I say more?

Journalizer said...

I had the terrible misfortune of being introduced to this recent Supreme Court decision while watching Keith Olbermann (I try to inform myself of all POVs). I was appalled at how offensive his commentary on this was.
Here is his "Special Comment" on youtube.
Can you believe that he is saying, "...Until now no american Judge ever made a single misjudgement as bad as Roger B. Taney. Well, now Taney is off the hook because this recent Supreme Court ruling has more dire implications than Dred Scott v. Sandford."
I was watching this in shock.
I believe that Olbermann's commentary is so offensive and uncalled for. I was stunned by his comparison. Stunned.
I fear for the impressionable people who watch Olbermann and who do not do their research and draw their own conclusions.
I believe this Supreme Court ruling is good for freedom and the American dream. Now anyone has the potential to run POTUS because a corporation can support the person. No longer does someone have to be a millionaire to "discretely" pay off the media (let's face it, the 2008 election was bought by using the media). I believe this ruling reinforces free speech.

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