
Monday, June 22, 2009

Victory Through Retreat

In a strange Orwellian turn of events, the US Army has announced it's new plan for victory in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChristal will issue orders for U.S. and NATO forces to break away from fights with militants hiding in Afghan houses.

According to US Military Spokesman Rear Admiral Greg Smith " if there is a compound they're taking fire from and they can remove themselves from the area safely, without any undue danger to the forces, then that's the option they should take,"

Having spent close to 25 years in the US Military, I have to admit this is a new one to me. Sounds to me that, in an effort to appear closer to our European allies, we are taking one from the French playbook.

I honestly wonder how much of this comes from Gen McChristal, because it smells excessively like the over-control of boots on the ground by unqualified political appointees, much like Vietnam and McNamara's "active-role" management philosophy. With this kind of philosophy we'd still have 160,000 troops sitting on the beaches of Normandy staring at the Germans in beach houses.

One must raise the question, if they aren't there to engage enemy forces, what the hell are they doing there? If military engagement is no longer an option, then by all means bring the troops home and send in the peace corps if you want to build schools or hospitals.

This strategy, offered in the context of a military exercise would be laughable... it's not so funny when you have friends and fellow Americans there.



Silverfiddle said...

There must be more there than meets the eye. Gen McChristal is an SF officer credited with the highly successful HVT takedown program in Iraq. He was actually on scene when they killed Mousawi a few years back.

People in Afghanistan don't fight for the same reasons they do in Iraq. I think they're pointing to a strategy where they restore the old tribal chief line knocked out of place by AQ and other Arabs. The next step is to give them money and promise to leave them alone if they don't let the bad guys in. We'll see how it works. You can't kill 'em all...

Finntann said...

Possibly, if it actually is a McChristal policy and not an administration policy. I do realize that they are not going to publish the detailed ROE's on MSNBC.

To be honest, I would have to say that most likely the administration's press release is more spin than substance... which is why I chose to call it into question.

Honestly, I've never been a hearts and minds kind of guy... more of a Sherman's march to the sea strategist. I think we like they idea of Psyops from a technical and scientific perspective, yet remain unconvinced as to the practically of it other than as a adjunct to mass and maneuver. War is an ugly business and occupation can be even worse, those who think they can execute it in a nice clean psychologically attractive package are lying to us, and probably to themselves as well.

You are a better judge than I of the situation on the ground, but even if an overwhelming majority is on our side a well determined minority can make things virtually unmanageable.


Chicago Ray said...

I know this, as the former military you both are I'll believe anything you have to say any and every day before anyone in Obama's world including him

Sadly the higher ups are at the mercy of the Commander in Cheat so who know's what pressures are put on them to do thing they don't wanna do...We'll keep them in our prayers as always and hope Obama puts strategy and their lives ahead of politics (not possible)

Silverfiddle said...

I have full faith in McChristal, but you both make a good point about generals having to march to the political tune, and I have zero confidence in this administration.

Chicago Ray said...

That's why we bloggers got their backs here at home while they're our dying for the freedom of ungrateful Muslims and the terrorists at home known as the democratic party ..

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