
Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Miscellany World Clock, Liquid Smoke, MP3 Books

This is a cool website, courtesy of my buddy Larry. Ever seen one of those running debt clocks? This is one of those on steroids!

And now for something completely different...
From my buddy OD: What's in Liquid Smoke, anyway? Answer? Smoke!

Finally, I'm going on a car trip soon. I hate car trips. Driving through Kansas is the worst of all. It is talk radio hell. No Michael Savage, no Michael Medved, some Rush and Glenn Beck interrupted every five minutes by weather bulletins and hog reports: The wind is still blowing! btw, I am convinced there is a permanent swarm of tornadoes hovering over the state, taking turns swooping down at inopportune times.

So I bought myself an mp3 player. Yes, I'm behind the times. I went looking for e-books and found a treasure trove for free at Project Gutenberg. It tends towards the classics, with Kant, Tolstoy, etc, but there are also many classic novels by the likes of Henry James and Jack London.

Can anyone tell me why mp3 players don't come with an AM radio, only FM? The headphone cord can be an antenna, so antenna length isn't it...


Ben Sutherland said...

Kurt, if you're in or near Lawrence, KS, you should definitely give me a holler. 785 218 1670. We'll do beers. I gotta hear what you get to listen to across country. Such a great idea. I'm stealing that my next road trip. Reminds me that the book market is much more robust than I sometimes imagine (meaning: I need to write and stop worrying about the size of the audience in the written word).

That is such a great idea, Kurt. Definitely inspired me for the advantages of car travel and future adventures.

Silverfiddle said...

Yo, I would love to, but I usually can't make it that far. I normally stop somewhere in the middle unless I really get a good Red Bull jazz going... If we decide to leave Tuesday morning we may actually make it that far. I'll shoot you an e-mail if that's the plan.

I'm going to try some Kant, maybe on Perpetual Peace or Critique of pure reason. He's really hard to read but I gave the first file a short listen and I was grooving on it pretty good.

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