
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Che Guevara: T-Shirt Salesman to the Tards

Che Guevara was a cowardly murderer, and those walking around the US with his stinking, bearded countenance adorning their apparel are ignorant fools.

I can understand why he is a hero in Latin America, where the rich dump all over the poor and call it capitalism and democracy. But here in America--the most egalitarian and upwardly mobile society in the world--the most famous t-shirt salesman in the world is a mark of ignorance.

A Che logo screams "I am blissfully ignorant of history and I despise the capitalist freedom that brought me this gucci bag and these $200 Raybans."

Capitalism Is Dead! Long Live Capitalism!

What are these people making a statement against? Our nation having the richest, fattest poor people in the world? Government-subsidized higher education? Too many air conditioners and iPods?

Humberto Fontova writes brilliantly of the contrast between the butcher from Rosario and one particular woman who resisted his persecutions. Zoila Aguila was a brave Cuban campesina who took to the hills of Escambray and fought the Castro gang and their soviet masters for a year, until they finally captured and imprisoned her.

Hollywood produces hagiographic paeons to this Argentinian murderer, while real heroines like Zoila Aguila go unsung because nobody pinched her butt in a north country coal mine or she didn't blow the whistle on an evil corporation run by greedy white men. You can read this Cuban's short article at
American Thinker.

American Thinker

Dissident Frogman


Ben Sutherland said...

Right on, bud. It's nice to see the genuinely good folks in the world get a little credit.

The last 10 years, it would seem to a lot of folks around the world like we really don't care how government is run as long as force as a governing philosophy, the heart of Cuban and Soviet Communism, Islamic theocracy, and even Western imperialism and so many ugly governing philosophies over the course of humanity, prevails.

How sad that such people would let a woman of this courage die in vain.

Silverfiddle said...

Or worse yet, not tell her heroic story

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