
Monday, August 4, 2008

Self Deportation

Looks like Homeland Security has come up with a Self-Deportation Plan for people here illegally. It sounds a little silly, something only a government bureaucrat could cook up. Hey, if this works, we could start a criminal self-identification plan! Forget having the police chase down bad guys, we just get them to turn themselves in!

Don't laugh too soon: The Christian Science Monitor reports that immigrants are self-deporting. They estimate that 1.2 million have chosen to return home. The reason? Enforcement. Here's an excerpt:

Americans who want strict law enforcement before a "total" immigration solution now have proof that stronger enforcement can bring results.

Exhibit A: The illegal migrant population has dropped an estimated 11 percent through May after hitting a peak last August, based on census data used in a report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Much of that decline is due to people who self-deported by slipping back across the border.

The drop began well before unemployment went up, which points to the real success story: Washington's wake-up call last summer to beef up enforcement, from plugging leaks in the border to cracking down on employers who hire illegal workers.

Remember last summer? Fed-up citizens got mad as hell about illegal immigration and the politicians listened. Enforcement has been beefed up on the border and job sites are being raided. Fast track deportations are on the rise and ICE agents are also targeting more criminal gangs. Representative democracy still works.

This is the humane way to deal with the situation: Patching the screen door and covering up the sugar bowl is easier than killing all the flies. The final piece is to jail and fine those who stick it to the American working class by hiring illegal aliens and paying them a slave wage with no bennies.

Seeing business owners and managers publicly frog-marched out of their offices in handcuffs during those immigration raids would be the cherry on top of the cake.


Anonymous said...

I believe why some are going home is because there are no homes being built either. what do you think?

Silverfiddle said...

Higher unemployment may figure it to it, but the article insists it is the enforcement. Regardless of the current situation, our economy is still leaps and bounds above Mexico's.

Finntann said...

The ICEman cometh... what a beautiful thought!

Silverfiddle said...

finntann is so witty!

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