
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mile High Madness

Protesters started protesting the DNC Convention before it even started. Seems the city of Denver set up an old warehouse to process arrestees and left-wing kooks are comparing the facility to Gitmo and accusing the city government of fascism.
"We don't need another Gulag or Stalag or prison or whatever you want to call it," protester Larry Hales said.
Of course, it's not a fascist gulag. It's merely a holding pen for the poop throwing monkeys everyone anticipates will be rampaging through the streets of the Mile High City. But I love it when nutty leftists turn on their own kind.

Denver is a liberal enclave where illegal immigrants make themselves at home while the homeless roam free in their natural state. Mayor John "The Looper" Hickenlooper is a politically-correct progressive who has steered Denver on a leftward course. I'm sure it pains him to be compared to President Bush.

The Democratic party has been egging on these rabid monkeys for years, and now the monkeys are coming home to roost, pouring out their righteous anger against their erstwhile benefactors. It is amusing to hear them use outlandish rhetoric, vulgar name-calling, and buffoonish accusations of constitution shredding against their fellow progressives. This should make for an interesting convention. Here are a couple of links for those wanting an undiluted dose:


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