Here's the money quote:
"President Bush, he had an energy policy. He turned to Dick Cheney and he said, 'Cheney, go take care of this,'" Obama said. "Cheney met with renewable-energy folks once and oil and gas (executives) 40 times. McCain has taken a page out of the Cheney playbook."
Here is the far left, Bush-Derangement-Syndrome explanation for high oil prices. This one is so much more plausible and satisfying than the old "supply and demand" explanation:
VP Cheney and his "Big Oil" Cronies in cahoots with Halliburton have talked President Bush into turning up that secret oil price dial under his desk. Of course, the president had to take off the headphones he was using to eavesdrop on our phone calls so he could hear what the Vice President was saying.
These actions were a result of Cheney's unprecedented secret meetings with those sinister oilmen. Never before had there been secret meetings in the White House. Every administration up to this one has released every jot and tittle of every administration activity and acted with complete openness.
Most sinister of all, VP Cheney was covertly consorting with these greedy oilmen to help formulate energy policy. A serious and honest administration would have consulted openly with environmentalists and candlestick makers.
Finally, did you know Dick Cheney shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?
Finally, did you know Dick Cheney shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?
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