
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama, Infanticide & Other Evils

David Freddoso, Bane of the Obama left for daring to dirty the Obamessiah's brilliant white robes, has written an excellent article about Obama's support for infanticide. He begins by describing a nurse's eye-witness account of cradling a four month old baby boy, victim of a botched abortion, and watching him die because Illinois law and hospital staff permitted it.

I think abortion is abhorrent, and words can't do justice to the evil of the Illinois infanticide law. But other things in the article caught my eye as well:

The hospital where the botched abortion turned into a baby killing is Christ Hospital, which is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. The sick and the dying must be the only thing keeping Our Heavenly Father from zapping that facility and everything in it to a crisp. Jesus turned over the tables in the temple over less than this. WWJD? He sure as hell wouldn't put his name on a building where practitioners inside kill babies.

Why is an organization that professes to be Christian allowing this barbaric practice on its premises? Probably has something to do with federal funding.

This is why I oppose all "faith based initiatives," regardless of who sponsors them. In every church and state argument, the specter of The Church controlling The Government is invoked. The cleared danger is The Government controlling The Church. Based on its track record, I don't want my government anywhere near my religion.

How could something like this happen in the Midwest? I know people in Illinois, I have family there. It is a state full of hard working, churchgoing, small town people with traditional values. How could they let such a law pass? Political apathy in the face of the corrupt Chicago Democratic machine that controls the state's politics. That seems to be the only answer. Dirty big city pols are so disgusting that people can't stand watching the political debauchery, so they turn off politics and go back to work.

Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. The good citizens of Illinois have proven that out. But in this case, evil also had help from a phony religious organization, the Illinois Legislature, and a young constitutional lawyer who defended it all named Barack Obama.


Anonymous said...

This practice leaves one a bit sick to the stomach. There is a scripture that goes something like...knowing the good you ought to do and not doing it is sin. Barrack decided to do nothing in spite of the good he knew he could.

CKAinRedStateUSA said...

You can spell and spin abortion anyway you'd like, but the Dems support the legal killing of unborn children.

And now with the grostesqueness of their infanticide champion Barack Obama--actually, Indonesian-citizenship-holding and once-Muslim-maybe-still? Barry Soetoro--they also apparently support the post-birth death of those babies who've just survived attempted murder on their life--because the mother had constitutional rights.

You wonder: What happened in the life of Barack Obama that has caused him to hate the most vulnerable of humans, save the elderly and the infirm?

And how, in God's name, can he call himself a "devout Christian" and champion not just abortion but this out-of-womb death for those just-borns?

That latter question is rhetorical, because he cannot find justification for abortion in the Holy Bible.

What he champions is way beyond psychological pathology: It's a spiritual sickness. It's evil.

And somebody along the way--one of his so-called "spiritual advisers," say the Catholic priest Pfelger and the pastor Jeremiah Wright, should've apprised him of that, rebuked him about that and helped restore him.

That is, if they had the revelation of God that killing of the unborns and just-borns was, is and will remain wrong.

Silverfiddle said...

And according to the polls, 50% of Catholics (A firm anti-abortion religion) will vote for this man. That makes no sense...
You bring up a good point. What does Father Pflieger think of all this?

Anonymous said...

While it is true that many nominal Catholics either support or are considering supporting Mr. Obama, they tend to be Easterners or non Church going Catholics. To be sure there are some church going Catholics in the Midwest and in the South that support Mr. Obama, but they are in the minority.


jmcd924 said...

Why not just throw that he is the son of Hitler??

Silverfiddle said...

Three reasons:
1) Given Der Fuhrer's overt racism, I doubt he would have relations with any women who would produce a mixed-race progeny

2) Mr. Obama was born well after 1945

3) What does Hitler have to do with leaving babies to die who survived an abortion?

I do not believe Mr. Obama is an evil man, he just supports evil practices.

Got any other clever lines?

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