The New Republic calls Palin an Astonishingly Arrogant Choice. They huff on about how the VP must be qualified to be president at a moment’s notice. What makes them think Hillary or Evan Bayh would fit that bill? Particularly laughable was the initial statement from the Obama campaign, which had the audacity to accuse her of having no experience!
“Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency,” Bill Burton, Obama campaign spokesman said in a statement that hit reporters inboxes at 11:47 a.m. EDT.Given that the Democratic candidate for president is not qualified to be president, I don’t see this as an effective argument.
Honesty check: Would I be completely comfortable with the thought of a President Palin, with her current experience? No. But I would be even less comfortable with Palooka Joe and the Messiah Kid in the White House, so it’s all relative.
Yes, this takes some of the sting out of the GOP knock on Senator Obama’s lack of experience. But Sarah Palin has actually run a business and a state government. Mr. Obama hasn’t even run so much as a hot dog stand. She’s spent more time in Iraq than Obama has, so I’d say on foreign policy, it’s a wash.
Most importantly, McCain-Palin is a direct assault on Obama-Biden’s “Hope & Change” message. You want hope and change? Ms. Palin is a reformer who has actually done it at the state government level. You want bipartisanship? Obama talks about it, but McCain has actually done it (too many times, according to his conservative critics). For a great summary, read Thomas Sowell's latest commentary.
This election is now one of Democratic Words versus Republican Actions. There's hope.
The Democrats also do not like the fact that the Conservative movement is united now!
Yup. Conservatives are excited now. I predict a big surge in campaign donations
I think I will give a donation as well, so far, I have just given to candidate down the ballot, now a Social Conservative is on the ticket, I can actually donate to the ticket itself. I also enjoyed listening to her speak in Washington, PA yesterday.
She's genuine, Ohio Joe, and that's hard to beat.
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