
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just another Day in Liberal El Lay

Breitbart reports that graffiti artists in LA are are increasingly gang-affiliated and are turning violent. Attacks and murders of citizens who catch them in the act are on the rise. Here's the money quote from a fed-up resident that sums up the situation nicely:

"We live in the same community. We are all in this hellhole together."
California is Liberalism's petri dish, and the experiment is turning putrid. Liberal politicians (yes, including Arnold) have brought the state to financial meltdown. Criminal gangs run rampant, energy is in short supply thanks to the environmental lobby, and businesses are being chased out by stifling regulation and job-killing taxation. The state's economy would collapse without illegal immigrant workers, who are changing the face of the state. Here's an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal:

First, the AAA auto club declared it will close its call centers in California, meaning that 900 jobs will move to other states. "It costs more to do business in California," said a AAA press release, in the understatement of the year.

Then last week Toyota announced it is canceling plans to build its new Prius hybrid at its plant in the San Francisco Bay area because of the high tax and regulatory costs. Adding to the humiliation is that Toyota will now take this investment and about 1,000 jobs to a more progressive and pro-business state: Mississippi.

There is already a reverse gold rush going on in California and the evidence points powerfully toward high tax rates as a culprit. Census Bureau data show that, from 1996-2005, 1.3 million more Americans left than came to California. And the people who are leaving are disproportionately those with higher incomes: the very targets the Democrats want to tax more.

California is a state with a vibrant population, verdant farmland, great universities and a rich abundance of natural resources. All it needs now is a functioning government that believes in free market capitalism and knows how to exploit it to the state's advantage.

Right-wing redneck states like Tennessee and Mississippi, full of gun-clingers and bible thumpers have figured it out and are welcoming California
refugee businesses. Result? These Southern states are enjoying a continued economic boom, while the progressive Golden State is going bust.

Why isn't the GOP pointing to this failed state every day as a prime example of liberalism's failures? Why aren't conservative advocates contrasting California's failures with the successes of Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi?

All they need do is point to the Golden State and ask Americans:

Got Liberal Hellhole? Vote Democratic


Finntann said...

Please...please...fix California, they're all moving here and trying to californicate Colorado.

Silverfiddle said...

Maybe we should forcibly repatriate the state to Mexico and put up a fence...

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