
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Adult Supervision

Every presidential ticket needs at least one credible candidate, and the Democrats have finally accomplished that. Joe Biden is a man of substance and stature. Love him or hate him, he's always got an opinion and it is usually well-informed, if not sometimes indiscreet. He's that rare politician who can be bitingly funny, warm, distinguished, and average Joe all at once.

I have a grudging admiration for Biden. I don't agree with him often, but his positions are always well thought out and well-reasoned. I like him because unlike most oily politicians, he comes off real and sincere. There's no guile, just Joe, telling it like it is. Here's a Biden quote from the Davos forum last year:
"You Europeans use George Bush's excesses as an excuse for your own lack of commitment. You've been reluctant to do anything apart from criticize America---get over it."
-- Reported on a blog, on the subject of the 2004 Davos conference in Switzerland
Biden's ACU rating (American Conservative Union benchmark--Higher the percentage, more conservative) is around 13%. Senator Obama's is around 7%, so this is a very liberal ticket, which should make the Democratic rank and file quite happy.

But most importantly, if Mr. Obama is elected, at least we'll have some adult supervision when the phone rings at 3 am.


beezdotcom said...

Biden said: “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

So is this part of his substance, stature, or well-informed nature? Inquiring minds want to know.

Silverfiddle said...

I think it's part of his loose cannon factor. Look, I won't vote for him but I think he is a genuine and likable guy.

Just because I don't agree with someone politically doesn't mean I have to trash him.

beezdotcom said...

I assume you were speaking abstractly about "trashing Biden" - I hope you're not implying that I'm trashing Biden, in simply pointing out past truths.

You are free to view him however you like - but the only thing I find genuine about him is his UNlikability. He's got an ego twelve stories tall (" IQ is higher than yours...") and his little plagiarism issues that keep popping up cast some doubt on the "genuine" label.

However, these are all the reasons that I'm *pleased* Obama picked him - because I think this pick keeps Obama out of the White House. If he somehow makes it in, however, I don't think I want Biden answering the 3am phone call, either. "What's that, India launched a nuke at Pakistan? For God's sakes, man, shut down all the 7-elevens in the country!!"

Silverfiddle said...

I wasn't implying you were trashing him. Actually, sounds like you have more experience on the issue than I do.

Anonymous said...

While Mr. Biden may be a better candidate than Mr. Obama, I do not think he is all that strong.


Silverfiddle said...

The talking heads (not the band) say he shores up the foreign policy credentials and maybe helps with some lunch pail Hillary voters in the Northeast. Do you think he plays well in Ohio?

Anonymous said...

I am told he play well in Ohio by the pundits, but I really believe that him appeal is limited in Ohio.


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