China became the world's biggest polluter in April of this year... Self-righteous USA critics have yet to shift their scorn eastward.
We could be in for more cooling for the next decade or so. Doesn't Mother Nature know the science is settled?
BBC reports all this grudgingly, and inserts all manner of caveats and finger shaking scolds, admonishing us naive global warming deniers to not let our guard down.
This is all temporary! Professor Dinglebulb from the Department of Settled Pseudoscience has a computer model that shows the earth catching fire in 2018 unless we forsake our SUVs, cut industrial output by 75%, and recycle our own feces. China and the rest of the the non-western countries are exempt, of course.
Many of the more enlightened Gaia worshipers who follow the Reverend Al Gore are the very same people who mock God and make fun of us bible clinging hicks who worship him. They aver religion is a scam devised by crafty pastors to threaten and control their fearful flocks. Meanwhile, these same concerned global citizens calculate their carbon footprint (examine their conscience) and buy carbon offsets (purchase indulgences) while hanging on Al Gore's every admonition (listening to the preacher) and demanding we all change out polluting ways (repent!). Believe us, don't believe your senses (have faith).
My religion has historical eye-witness testimony and roots that go back thousands of years--theirs was started by an angry and imperious former Vice President who refuses to debate his critics. So who's callin' who naive?
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