Anyway, Reuters published a subtle little piece on patriotism and the presidential candidates. In it, they call white America racist and questions its patriotism.
Here's the first excerpt:
The U.S. presidential election presents a sharp contrast between two types of patriotism: John McCain stands as a war hero. His rival Barack Obama calls Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation's founders.When in the heck has Obama ever "called Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation's founders"? On winning in Iraq? Lowering the price of gasoline? On encouraging Americans to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps? No, No and No. He does just the opposite. He's a community organizer turned senator peddling big government solutions and socialistic schemes like "economic justice." This opinion disguised as news also implies that John McCain is just standing there, like a marble war memorial statue, sword raised, not invoking the can-do spirit of our nation's founders. Do the Obama worshipers who wrote this really believe their own crap?
The next excerpt is even better, serving up a big slice of racial stereotyping.
Black Americans have fought in all the country's wars but their loyalty has been questioned because many black leaders have criticized U.S. policies on race and some whites assume historic discrimination against them, which includes slavery, would have undermined their commitment to U.S. ideals.Whiteys are "bumper sticker patriots" who question the patriotism of blacks (the "real patriots.")
"Conservative whites look at them (blacks) as unpatriotic and yet if you look at the constitution and the history, the black community has been trying to make that constitution work for everybody," said Ronald Walters, professor of politics and government at the University of Maryland.
Walters contrasted what he called "bumper sticker patriotism" with what he said was a struggle many African Americans had engaged in to make the country a real democracy.
We don't need this kind of divisive trash, especially when it is served up by the press in support of their chosen candidate. This racial pot-stirring by the hacks at Reuters dishonors the memory of the brave men and women of all races and cultures who have served, fought, and died side-by-side for this country.
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