
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hollywood Conservatives out of the Closet

If you hate the overflowing sewer on the cultural landscape that is Hollywood, you must go see An American Carol when it comes out in October. It mocks political correctness, Michael Moore and the Bush Derangement Syndrome crowd. It should be quite an antidote to the anti-American, military-hating stink bombs that have debuted (and failed) in the last few years.

David Zucker, director of the funny movies Airplane!, Naked Gun, and Kentucky Fried Movie, is the driving force behind the project. He is also an unabashed conservative. As the Weekly Standard article states, conservative in Hollywood is the new gay. Most are still in the closet.

But that is changing. Hollywood conservatives have an informal club called the Friends of Abe. Kelsey Grammer is out as a conservative and there is hopeful talk of him taking on Barbara Boxer.

Liberals who had no problem with Michael Moore trashing our president and twisting the truth are already howling like scalded dogs over this movie, which is a comedy, not a pseudo-documentary. Here is an excellent example of liberal scorn for this movie:

This is just more of the right wing believing their own BS to make themselves feel better. They know their time is almost up. A great deal of effort is put forth daily to keep morale up (see talk radio, right wing blogs/forums, Fox News) among the true believers. This film is another example.

And how ironic is it to usurp the Dickens classic about class exploitation as a vehicle promoting the current regime of haves and have mores. Yeah, lets talk about EVIL. The right wing think they are the only ones who can recognize it. Well most of it is banal and born of stupidity (see Katrina as just one example). It's not always a dark-faced man with a bomb.

Also, it appears the film will mock anti-war protesters as idiots. I can laugh at that too, like Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" segment or similar vehicles. But it gets old after awhile. And I'll stack up the left in general (despite airhead college protesters) against the talk radio/Fox News audiences, rednecks, neo-con paranoids, racists (oh yeah, it still abounds), militia members, neo-Country Western crappy musicians (you know who they are), etc. etc., as to who is better informed.

But it appears we can finally put to rest the notion that Hollywood is all liberals - nah, probably not. Too convenient a target for the low fruit pickers on the right. Also, it's sad that a bunch of wealthy movie makers will carry water for a party that considers many of the gay and lesbians they work with in the industry as second class citizens. Evil, recognize it. Got to keep their taxes low though.

Come October, the film may do well, if a campaign like the one for "Passion of the Christ", along with a "let's stick it to the liberals" message is ginned up via the usual outlets.

So go and have fun liberal-haters, laugh all the way into the political graveyard, you are proud to be part of an ugly history which will not be judged mercifully.

Oh, and Michael Moore is FAT!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... /sarcasm

Go read the Weekly Standard article about the movie, Mr. Zucker, and his surprisingly large group of conservative Hollywood pals. More importantly, go see An American Carol when it comes out. Hollywood conservatives are standing up for the cause, let's show them we've got their backs. Anything that's got liberals this riled has to be good!


Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell Paris Hilton to put on some weight and get a descent boob job. Maybe this way guys wouldn't be using her for her money or home made sex movies :)

Silverfiddle said...

LOL! I was surprised at how coherent her little commercial was. Mac should hire her as his spokeswoman. She detailed his energy plan better than he has!

Anonymous said...

No tits but looks better in a bathing suit the MCCAN"T or BAMBAM..... Redneck

Silverfiddle said...

Yes I am a redneck! Thanks for noticing.

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