
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feminist Anger: How Dare GOP Nominate a Woman!

Crabby feminists and unreconstructed liberals are out in full force attacking Sarah Palin. I love it. This was political jujitsu at its finest. Bait the opposition into attacking her experience, which reveals that the GOP VP has more experience than the Dem Presidential candidate. BTW, what makes Hillary more qualified than Sarah Palin?

The HuffPo has a gory, tabloid-style collection of Anti-Palin diatribes, screeds and screeches. If you want a quick summary of the left's opposition to her, go check it out. You can go to the drudge report to digitally fumigate your computer afterward.

Want even more laughs? Go here. Some gal named Hilzoy actually tries to say that Obama has executive leadership experience because he has run a presidental campaign for the last two years.

My response:
Thanks for the belly laugh! Being a candidate whose campaign eats money and craps BS is not executive or leadership experience.

Stay tuned folks, it's only going to get nuttier. And with Palooka Joe Biden in the mix, anything's bound to happen as he and the Messiah Kid campaign through the 57 states.


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