Reusable toilet paper is not a joke. This comes courtesy of an e-mail from Senator James Inhofe's staff. Senator Inhofe (R) of Oklahoma uses his position on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to combat the global warning madness and the wackadoos who aid and abet it. Oklahoma's other senator is Dr. Tom Coburn. We should all say a prayer thanking God for the good people of that state for blessing us with two such outstanding public servants.
This is where leftist environmentalism is leading us: Don't use toilet paper, use old rags to save a tree. Why don't we all just walk around in cloth diapers? Then nobody would ever have to waste water by flushing a toilet. Better yet, we could wipe with our hands like the superior cultures of the Middle East do! If we could get over the body odor thing, we would save even more water by eliminating all that senseless showering.
Here's the original e-mail. Enjoy the laugh!
Reusable Toilet Paper? ‘Family Cloth” or ‘Family Wipes’ urged as eco-friendly replacement for toilet paper – Yahoo Answers & Green websites tout new eco-friendly alternative!
Excerpt: The purpose of the family cloth is to reduce the waste created by toilet paper. The environmentally unfriendly aspects of toilet paper happen before it arrives at your home. Trees are destroyed for the necessary pulp and large amounts of chemicals are used to turn the wood pulp into the soft, fluffy, white tissues we like to use. In addition, those darn packages of t.p. are big and a lot of fuel is burned getting them to their destination. These concerns are causing people to ditch their toilet paper and use a family cloth instead. Eco-friendly families usually start out trying different cloths. Old t-shirts are the most popular source for family cloth pieces. Using them for a family cloth prevents them from becoming yet another piece of landfill. Cotton t-shirt material is soft and very absorbent. They also receive high ratings from female users because they don't leave any of that annoying tissue dust after usage. For those unfamiliar with the family cloth, the name is somewhat misleading. No one seems to be certain where the term originated but is not an accurate title. Family members do not share a single cloth for their bathroom wiping needs. Each family has their own method, but most often a stack of clean cloth strips are left near the toilet in the bathroom. After use the family cloth is placed in a bucket. Every few days the contents are washed.
How to Store Used ‘Family Wipes’
Excerpt: Some families find it easiest to put a small wet bag in their bathroom - either just laying on the floor near the toilet, or hanging from a nearby doorknob, cabinet knob, or hook. One friend actually hangs her bag from the toilet paper holder. My family keeps a small version of a diaper pail in the bathroom just for wipes. It's a 2-gallon stainless steel garbage bag with a step-pedal to open the lid. Wally loves depositing his wipes in there after we're done cleaning him up!
How to Wash Soiled ‘Family Wipes’
Excerpt: If you have kids in diapers, wash with the diapers. If you don't have kids in diapers, I recommend washing wipes separately from the rest of your laundry. Wash in hot, dry in the dryer. You may add whatever laundry additives you desire - chlorine bleach, oxygen bleach, tea tree oil, lavender oil, stain remover, whatever.
How to Use Cloth Wipes (Family Wipes, Toilet Wipes) (Sold on Wallypop.net – “Supporting a natural lifestyle”
Excerpt: OK, this is not nearly as gross as you might be imagining. Give it a try, you'll see what I mean! But, really, you might be wondering, how do I use these? Using cloth wipes for urine-only visits to the bathroom is so simple it's hardly worth mentioning. Go, wipe, and then toss the wipe into whatever container you prefer. Using cloth wipes for other toilet visits is not any more difficult, but there is a certain ick factor involved. Consider how much waste you're willing to leave on your children's diapers or wipes when you toss them in the pail. Use the same standards for yourself. Shake, scrape, swish, or squirt off anything you don't want in your laundry, and then toss the wipe into the pail or container. (Personally speaking, we just wipe and toss in the pail.)
Background on environmentalist’s war on toilet paper
Excerpt: Ready to Rethink Toilet Paper for Earth Day?
Forests Being 'Slaughtered for Toilet Paper,' Actress Declares
Flashback: NYC Environmentalists Eliminate Toilet Paper in Effort to Save the Planet
Introduction of the Flush Toilet Deplored at Earth Summit
Dry Toilet Conference Declared a Success by Organizers
Diaperless Babies Seen As Earth-Friendly Solution
Flush Toilets Called "Environmental Disaster"
Philadelphia Plumbers Union Pipes Up About Waterless Urinalshttp://www.uswaternews.
Ready to Rethink Toilet Paper for Earth Day?
What a waste of internet space. I want to grow up and be like Duke Cunningham, Right.
You want to grow up and go to jail? The second goal may be easier than the first.
Good luck...
No,No Silverfiddle......I really want to be like the war Hero, Big Duke of the GOP. $2.4 million in bribes. Print that and you grow up.
OK. For the record. Randy Duke is a war hero, but unfortunately, he is also a criminal now behind bars for violating the public trust and abusing his power by taking bribes.
I'm not a blind partisan hero worshiper. Randy Duke deserves to be where he's at. I will not defend the indefensible. For example, I think Alaskan Republicans made a big mistake renominating Ted Stevens. If the guy's not a crook he at least has no regard for the taxpayer. I view all politicians with suspicion, which is why I am for limited government.
I may ridicule what I consider leftist ideas, but don't demonize people for simply holding a different point of view. Reusable toilet paper is a pretty ridiculous idea...
Also for the record, I am against government controlled health care and I am for deregulation of health insurance. I also think the system should not shield the price of health care from the consumer.
But in cases such as yours, I believe the government should step in to ensure a catastrophic illness or incident does not devastate one's family or well-being. These cases are a small percentage. We should not impose a 100% solution to solve a 10% problem.
I read your profile, and I wish you nothing but good things in your life and in your struggle with ALS.
You have the type of political thinking we need in Congress. The problem is we skirt the real topics with toilet paper while Senators like Coburn run free. Dr. No ask for this fight so maybe you could join me in trying to understand his thinking in your next blog article. What will Dr. No speak about next Tues?
Another problem with politics: Politicians argue (and get us to argue) over superficial issues while the root issues are either ignored or secretly manipulated behind the scenes.
I visited your blog and you do an excellent job addressing a very serious issue.
My blog is more lighthearted, so I talk about things like toilet paper while still trying to touch on real issues to get to the heart of the matter.
I will take your request as homework to see what Dr Coburn is up to. Have you written his office?
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