
Friday, March 20, 2009

Pelosi Galore

Nancy Pelosi is an ignorant woman. She ended up in congress because she is unqualified for any other job. First she lectured the Pope and the US Bishops on church doctrine concerning abortion, and now she calls an assembled group of illegal aliens "Very, very patriotic."

In Pelosi's America, the unpatriotic ones are the American defenders of the law who track down illegal aliens so they can be deported. "Un-American" is how she described them. The Obama administration, in partnership with racist Hispanic agitator gangs, are investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio for enforcing the law. See how things work in a Democratic-run America?

The dumbest person to ever wield the speaker's gavel also blurted this out:
"Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?"
Kicking in doors? The last time I remember that happening was when President Clinton and Janet Reno ordered Elian Gonzalez to be dragged back to Fidel Castro's Communist gulag after his mom died getting him here.

She ignores that old saying, "The family that gets deported together stays together." My government is not responsible for family separation when Mama gets deported and Daddy and the kids decide to stay in the US.

The citizenry of a democracy get the government they deserve. Wake up America, before there's no America left to wake up to.


Redneck Ron said...

So, I like the jsutification you used for Pelosi. You could saved all that effort by saying, "PELOSI IS A USELESS LIBERAL CALIFONRIA BITCH AND ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO IS LISTEN TO HER SPEAK!" Well that covers it.

Silverfiddle said...

That's what I admire about you, Ron, your eloquence!

Redneck Ron said...

Well thank you fiddle. K.I.S.S.-Keep it simple stupid. I don't elequence you all do to include and hate to say it, "Canadian Prgamists." I think keeping things simple for myself saves me confusion. Also, I don't have to back track when somebody proves that I have opened my mouth to much. Being married has proven it is better to keep your mouth shut than open.

Obama seams like to here himself talk and am waiting for the day he talk himself in a corner. He is getting closer and closer. His last bowling comment proves it. Then we get biden a catholic liberal for president. LOL!! He is worse than Obama with out elquence
Does President Hillary sound good?

This next couple years should be fun..

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