
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Everybody Needs Somebody to Hate: A Rush of Emotions

Liberal Democrats define themselves by who they hate

Working class family with a 5-gallon tank flush toilet and a carbon emiting barbeque grill:

Millionaire enviro hypocrites with a carbon footprint the size of a small African country, wrapping the globe in private jet contrails:

Bankers who squander trillions of private investor money:

Politicians and government bureaucrats who squander trillions of taxpayer money:

Presidents Bush and Reagan: Bad

Presidents Carter and Obama: Good

You get the picture. Every Us needs a Them. Every great movement needs a nemesis, someone to hate.

In Orwell’s 1984, the people of Oceania hate Emmanuel Goldstein, traitor to the party. In real life, Stalinists poured out their hatred on Leon Trotsky, forcing him into a Mexican exile

The Democrats have found their own Emmanuel Goldstein, their own object of hatred: Rush Limbaugh.

James Carville, everybody at MSNBC, and now even White House operatives are stirring up their own version of the Two Minutes Hate. They direct their vituperation at the too-wealthy, overly-articulate Rush Limbaugh, a man of outsize girth and powerful rhetoric who dares criticize The Great Leader. Of course, they don't really believe their own BS, but it's good for stirring up the proletariate and distracting them from The Party's shortcomings.

The Democrats remind me of the sweaty, screaming hordes of pious Muslims at Mecca, inflamed by fervid religious passion, stoning Satan, often trampling fellow believer in the emotionally-pitched frenzy.

Who's the leader of the Republican party? Who cares? It's leaderless and adrift, like Europe or the UN. This means nothing to conservatives. Conservatives don’t need a leader. We’re conservative and we do conservative things because that’s the way we are, not because someone tells us to.


Redneck Ron said...

I like or admire something about anybody. I respect those that fight for the enviroment because we have habit screwing things for the sake of dollar. Carter was honest but screwed alot of things up. Reagan-reinvented goverment put money in the military, gave the military pride again and that is what broke the russia's back because russia had to put more of their domestic product into keeping up. Bush, Still trying to figure out what he did. Obama his ability to speak. If Obama can change the mind set of the middle east and get things straightened out there. Then my hats off to him but no matter who is president.

Russell said...

in 4 years i predict you'll be able to say what the post turtle has done. and i predict it's not going to be a good thing.

forget about the middle east...he has no idea what he's doing HERE!

Silverfiddle said...

I think Russell is right on this one...

Anonymous said...

The great MESSIAH will be a notch below jimmuah carter in 4 years. His gift of 25 dvd's to Britains Gordon Brown is our first real clue of just how average and mundane an average liberal he really is.


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