
Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Hope They Fail

It is logical for a person opposed to President Obama's policies to hope for his failure to implement them. Indeed, it is the height of incoherence to say you disagree with his policies but you hope he succeeds.

Here is a simple logical syllogism explaining this. If those on the left can't understand it then they are obviously incapable of critical thinking, which would explain much.
I think President Obama’s policies would be a failure for my country

I do not want to see my country fail

Therefore, I want Obama and the Democrats to fail
There it is, stated logically, unlike the foam at the mouth anti-Bush rants from the unhinged leftards. If dissent was patriotic then, it's patriotic now. Unlike those raging BDS sufferers, I wish President Obama no ill-will. In fact, I hold out hope he will see the error of his ways.

The $600 billion for "free" health care and untold hundreds of billions in carbon taxes is money siphoned off from the economy that could have been used by companies to hire more people. Instead, it will be foolishly wasted by government bureaucrats in various botched attempts at centrally-planned do-goodism.

Just look at your government: It can't even balance a budget or write a tax code that ordinary people can understand. How on earth can you expect it to solve the health care crisis or efficiently manage this country "going green?"

I am a patriotic American who wants my country to succeed. So yes, I hope President Obama and his fellow travelers fail.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

"I THINK President Obama’s policies would be a failure for my country

I do not want to see my country fail

Therefore, I want Obama and the Democrats to fail"

Even if you "think" his policies would be failure for the country, shouldn't you hope that you're wrong for the sake of your country? That is, if in fact premise 2 is true and you don't want to see the country fail.

If you're a patriot shouldn't you want the policies in place to succeed no matter how ideologically scary them may be to you?

Anyways, that's not a syllogism. The conclusion does not follow from the premises at all, and certainly not necessarily.

Silverfiddle said...

Hope over analytical thought: The hallmark of an Obama liberal.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

That's the point. This isn't analytical. You didn't present the syllogism you claimed you had.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Schaudenfreude isn't something to be proud of.

Silverfiddle said...

This has nothing to do with "I told you so."

I have logically justified why I hope for his failure. My premise (his policies will wreck the county) may be wrong, but based on economic history that is doubtful. Therefore I must conclude that his failure to implement statist policies will be our salvation.

I will concede your pedantic point that my statement of deductive reasoning is more of a modus ponens than a syllogism, but I'm not a philosophy major, so I don't know all that stuff.

Redneck Ron said...

Big words do not make your comment better but jsut opposite. I agree you have right say what you want as long is still guaranteed by rights of free speach. But my friend Rush Symbolic to nothing except fat ass republican that would not progress the party but take it back 100 years.

My thoughts on medical care is that everyone should be entitled to it but not for free. I have medical through the VA and also through my wife's company which is expensive and not that good-VA really sucks. There a reason why I can't get good care for a good reason besides lack of money. Poor dies poor and rich get caskets. I am not familiar with Canadas health care network but canadians get it for all in some regard. I have family members that don't have health care and it is not do their fault.

Obama fails-no becasue that means the country fails. We fail at things at all the time but jsut in different degrees. Europe is getting their gas from Russia and Putin threaten to shut it off again. USA warned Europe but they didn't they didn't listen to us. We all pay for mistakes. Or do take the oppomistic point of view-How much do we succeed.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Hoping the policies he has already implemented fail is the same as hoping the country that has adopted those policies fails.

It's not modus tollens, or any other type of deductive inference.

You can't seperate Obama's policies and the policies of America's success. He's running the show (like it or not) and hoping his policies fail is as good as saying you hope the country fails.

Silverfiddle said...

Read the article again. I said I hope he fails in implementing his policies.

I can't help it if a man with your education can't follow a logical argument just because it is not properly couched in academic-speak. Perhaps you are blinded by emotion.

If someone disagrees with a politician's policies, it is logical to hope for the failure of that person's attempt to implement them. "I support the troops but I hope Bush fail in Iraq" is an absurd statement.

Based upon history, I predict his policies will fail if implemented, which is why I hope he fails to pu them in place. At this point, I'm not wishing, I'm making a conjecture based upon past events where similar house of cards schemes have been tried.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Well, he's already implemented a lot of them. Also, that's not what Rush said.

Silverfiddle said...

Once again, read the article. I'm not defending Rush Limbaugh.

You are the man of a thousand rhetorical diversions, I'll give you that.

Answer me a question: Do you think this porkulus will succeed in reviving the economy? If so, based upon what evidence?

Canadian Pragmatist said...

I think it will help. If it were not implemented I think there would be devastation.

Also, he's raising taxes. He isn't just spending money.

Silverfiddle said...

What historical analog can you point to that gives you confidence? Or perhaps you can expound on some economic theory that supports your contention that taxing and spending by venal politicians will improve things.

Read the history of Argentina in the 20th century then we'll talk some more.

Porkulus is not about improving the economy. Even the congressional budget office says only around 20% is "stimulative."

This is about consolidating power by addicting people to government hand outs and nothing more.

Being a Nietzschean, I figured you would see this.

Redneck Ron said...

So, Rickle up or trickle down? Democrat or Republican? Those of us that lived thourgh the Regan era know the polices pur forward supported business, cut goverment spending, raised the debt and cut loop holes in the taxes. This raised funds, increased military spending and got good items that military is still reaping but loosing do to age, cut back on goverment services, and look how the goverment has changed since then?

The tax or not enough tax and spending like drugged starved horror. We have not stopped that mentality by democrap or republican't. Pump in monies that we don't have.

But as for failure that is not an option there will be successes and failures. Again just to what degree it happnes.

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