
Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Debtor Nation

"The fortunes we have heard so much about in the days of speculation, have melted like the snows before an April sun."
John Steele Gordon provided this quote in his excellent WSJ article, "A Short History of the National Debt."

The man who spoke those words was a Wall Street trader in the 1830's. Booms and busts, bubbles and crashes are a part of a natural economic cycle for all nations. Even the US falls prey to the predations of human nature.

A trillion dollars (current annual budget deficit) is a lot of money. $10 trillion is the size of the national debt, and total liabilities including entitlements is said to be around $60 trillion. The Federal Government spent over $400 billion in interest on the debt last year.

John Steele Gordon puts this in perspective for us:
In January, the Congressional Budget Office projected that the deficit this year would be $1.2 trillion before the stimulus package. That's more than twice the deficit in fiscal 2008, more than the entire GDP of all but a handful of countries, and more, in nominal dollars, than the entire United States national debt in 1982.

But while the sum is huge, it is not in and of itself threatening to the solvency of the Republic. At 8.3% of GDP, this year's deficit is by far the largest since World War II. But the total debt is, as of now, still under 75% of GDP. It was almost 130% following World War II. (Japan's national debt right now is not far from 180% of that nation's GDP.)
He goes on to say that what is really worrisome is the trend. Washington is incapable of stanching the flow of red ink. Spending taxpayer money on chimeric schemes to cure all ills is just too much fun.


Redneck Ron said...

Yahoo!! What a roller coaster ride we will be having and we are going to owe the world!! Wait we already do...

Tor Hershman said...

The Constitution’s 5th Amendment (Last twelve words - FOR SURE) is a wonderfully well written bit of total fiction.

Tor Hershman said...

"Intellectual Honesty (Always)," after readin' that, moi just
had-to add this.....

Silverfiddle said...

You know, Tor, I think the founders meant it at the time. Unfortunately, we have politicians and their flock of voters they harvest votes from who view our government as a giant pez dispenser.

Or, since you are into the ancient, these people view our government as a multi-teated fertility goddess, suckling all she surveys.

Here is my definition of intellectual honesty:
Honesty in the acquisition, analysis, and transmission of ideas.
Stolen from:

While I believe in examining and challenging my own beliefs and assumptions, I also believe you've got to plant a stake somewhere to lean on while your thinkin'

Anonymous said...

I want to know that when every last person on the planet is finally in debt...Just who exactly is the money owed to? Lol


Silverfiddle said...

I've wondered the same thing...

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