
Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Great Communicator -vs- The Great Stimulator

The progressives are giddy. Their messiah, The Great Stimulator, is on a quest even grander than usurping the sea god Poseidon by making the waters recede. The great stimulator, with Harry and the Pelosicrats singing backup and gunning down Repugs, is aiming his lance at the very heart of all evil: Reaganism.

Here's a snip from the Times Online of Britain:

The scale of Obama’s ambition has only just begun to sink in. If his budget for 2010 passes through Congress largely unscathed, it will represent the “the biggest redistribution of income from the wealthy to the middle class and poor this nation has seen in more than 40 years”, said Robert Reich, a former secretary of labour under Bill Clinton who has been advising Obama.

Reich told The Sunday Times: “It is the boldest budget we have seen since the Reagan administration, and drives a nail in the coffin of Reaganomics. We can basically say goodbye to the philosophy espoused by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.”

That's right, Robert, you unwashed socialist. Say goodbye to the system that created the greatest economic expansion in the history of our nation. Say hello the the economic misery experienced by Britons in the socialist 60's and 70's. We'll all be in the Obamanomics toilet, but at least we'll all be in it together.


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