
Friday, March 6, 2009

Dumb Americans Vote!

Isn't that a scary thought?

I really don't mean to be offensive, but sometimes we are just completely unfathomable.

Here are some interesting points to ponder:

57% of us support the stimulus bill... yet 24% of us think that the government has its own money outside of that raised by taxation.

56% of us believe that the mortgage bailout is a good idea, yet 34% of mortgage holders don't know what kind of mortgage they have.

62% of us support health care reform, yet 83% of us rate the care we receive as good or excellent, 70% of us believe we have adequate coverage, and only 36% of us think the federal government should be responsible for it.

41% of us don't know who Nancy Pelosi is, 31% of us don't know who Harry Reid is, 32% of us don't know who Joe Biden is, and 71% of us don't know who John Boehner is.

Somewhat mitigating is at least the fact that the numbers of us who have never heard of Barrack Obama is hovering down around 1% (If true...that would be about 3 million people).

I was prompted to look at poll numbers like this from listening to radio interviews with college students on the policies of the current administration... while the vast majority of those interviewed were just ga-ga over Big Daddy O, the vast majority of them also didn't have a clue that Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States...

So exactly how do you vote the Obama-Biden ticket without knowing or caring who Biden is? I'm left wondering how many votes an Obama-Marx or Obama-Hitler ticket might have gotten...

At the polls this past November I was confronted with the choice of voting to retain or dismiss about eight judges (2 Supreme and 6 Appellate). I was embarrased that I only really knew enough about one of them to cast a vote either way and went on the premise that if I hadn't heard anything bad about the other seven, I should vote to retain... in my own defense I had only been a resident of the state for six months and assured myself that I would not allow myself to be in that situation again. I had researched all the federal and state candidates for senate and house, all the amendments and referendums...and had somehow overlooked the judges.


Stop it now, you are beginning to scare me.




Canadian Pragmatist said...

Are you implying that there is such thing as a smart American?

Silverfiddle said...

OK CP, now you're just being gratuitous.

After 9/ll Canada pledged half her Navy and all the fighting men she could spare for our defense. We got three canoes and 5 unarmed mounties.

Finntann said...


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