
Friday, March 27, 2009

Mark Sanford: Newest Addition to Liberal Enemies List

Democrats leave no conservative unsmeared. Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina is the next target

Can you think of one conservative that enjoys the towering reputation of that liberal lion and lady killer (ahem) Ted Kennedy?

Robert Byrd, the multi-billion dollar political graffiti artist who has plastered his name all over the state of West Virginia at the expense of the rest of the country's taxpayers, enjoys mythic status in the public's esteem.

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charles Rangel, and now Maxine Waters are up to their necks in million-dollar scandals involving Fannie, Freddie, banking, lending, and political contributions, but it's the Republicans who have been tagged with the culture of corruption. Nevermind the only congressman who is also an impeached judge is Alcee Hastings, Democrat.

Liberals are Revered, Conservatives are Smeared

The American Conservative has a nice profile of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. The American Spectator has a profile of the Democratic National Committee character assassination team that is launching rocks and mudballs at him. Seems he's viewed by the Obamapparachiks as a threat in 2012.

I have been a fan of Governor Sanford ever since he let those pigs loose in the state house to shame lawmakers into dropping all the pork. I also admire his reasoned opposition to federal bailout money to the states and his dogged determination in patiently explaining his position.
He explains that the bailout money expands existing state programs or creates new ones, then leaves states hanging when the money is gone in two years. This forces states into an economic and social dilemma : Cut the programs that people are now hooked on, or go in debt or raise taxes to continue funding the programs. A third option would be to beg the federal government for more money.

As Governor Rick Perry said, This is how addicts get addicted to drugs

That is the perverse result of the state bailouts: Force the states to abandon their fiscally responsible ways and become like the incontinent, overweight federal government. Dragging the virtuous down to your level is a sure way to regain squandered moral authority. Sanford asked the White House for a waiver to pay down South Carolina's debt, but was rejected and became the target of Democratic party attack adds

Mark Sanford for President in 2012

Governor Sanford is plain-spoken and not flashy. Negatives with an electorate that is easily distracted by shiny objects and billowy rhetoric. He's a tight-fisted, libertarian-leaning thinker which makes him unappealing to our entitlement society. Governor Sanford is a well-read man who enjoys openly discussing his thoughts and intellectually examining issues, which leaves him open to hysterical personal attacks from the left. The authors of the attacks don't really believe he's a dumb racist--if he were they would have no need to target him. He's a real threat to the liberal agenda and he must be neutralized.

Mark Sanford is an educated, thoughtful free-marketeer who seems to have a set of core principles that he remains faithful to. Despite being a wealthy self-made man, there just isn't a lot of embarrassment, dirt, or dreaded flip-flops in his past. Because of this, I predict the attacks will get really wild and unseemly. They will have to dig deep and dig hard.

We'll be seeing a lot more of South Carolina in the news, as Democratic party fellow travelers in the press shine searchlights into every nook and cranny of the state, highlighting poverty and looking for anything that embarrasses or discredits the governor. If no such information can be found, they will simply smear him.


Silverfiddle said...

That doesn't surprise me. His principled stand is bound to anger statist socialists who just want to blow more money irresponsibly with no care to where it is coming from.

Governor Sanford's well-reasoned response to this stupidity can be found here:

Coop said...

Sanford admits to infidelity.

Anonymous said...

"Mark Sanford is an educated, thoughtful, adulturer."

nailed it!

Silverfiddle said...

I love it when the paragons of perfection chime in. Let me guess, the charge is hypocrisy, right?

Two year olds can spot hypocrisy, studies have shown. So come back when you actually have something substantive to contribute.

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