
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Christian Abortions

Boston Catholic Hospital System Yields to Pro-Abortion FOCA Before it Happens

This is why I'm against religion-government entanglements. A religion cannot survive a government liaison with its integrity intact.

Remember that news story last year about the botched abortion where the baby survived and was callously left to die? It happened at Christ Hospital in Chicago, which is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Killing babies in the name of Christ... The sick and the dying inside must be all that keeps God from striking that place down. Jesus turned over the tables in the temple for less than that.

WWJD? He sure as hell wouldn't put his name on a building where practitioners kill babies.

Why is an organization that professes to be Christian allowing this barbaric practice on its premises? Probably has something to do with federal funding. That's how it happens, folks. The government pushes its snout into a private-sector function, brings generous gifts, and Bingo! You're hooked, bent over, and Uncle Sam is letting you know who's boss. Can you imagine a hospital running nowadays without government funding? Don't call it socialism; this is more of a fascist technique.

Back to the headline. From
Boston,MA ( -- Abortion advocates have yet to re-introduce the radical Freedom of Choice Act in this Congressional session, but the effects of the pro-abortion bill are already taking hold. That's because one Catholic hospital in Boston has agreed to go back on its pro-life policies in a merger that ultimately promotes abortion.

FOCA is a dangerous bill that, in its last form, would overturn hundreds of pro-life state laws and could be used to force medical centers to do abortions.

The nation's Catholic bishops have warned that one of the dangerous effects of FOCA is that it could result in shutting down Catholic hospitals that do not want to allow abortions on site.

A St. Louis-based company, Caritas has joined in a bid to provide government-subsidized health insurance in Massachusetts. Caritas Christi, is joining with Centene Corporation in a bid for the government contract that would include coverage for abortion.
Cardian Sean O'Malley, The Archdiocese of Boston's Bishop, has stated categorically that Catholic Hospitals will never engage in such abhorrent practices, and the agreement is not final. The diocese is investigating ways to improve health services without compromising church teachings. It's a complex world.

Catholic-sponsored abortion. That's change, and in the Obama Era, I can almost believe it.


Sensei Mitch said...

Which Catholic Hospital in Boston is doing this? I want to write the Bishop asking him to close this Hospital and would like to be specific.

Silverfiddle said...

Here's the excerpt from the article:

"The first Catholic hospital system to bend to the pressure is Caritas Christi, owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Boston," he writes.

It looks like some kind of health care network merger that forces Caritas Christi to perform a wider range of services, to include abortions.

The lifenews link has the details.

Redneck Ron said...

We Kill do to Business!!! My God Sell the Damn Hospital and Name off it!! The you can say, "We closed our doors because we refuse to be in the business of killing!"

What a sahme how things go.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

It's amazing that your god would rather allow a hospital full of living people suffering in excruciating agony than a hospital that allowed its residence to choose what happens to them when they are on the verge of death with nothing but a guaranteed last few hours of torture and agony to live through.

Don't get your panties into a bunch about abortion either. Maybe if churches, religious hospitals, et al. were not so hell bent on collecting gov't money to promote torture and pain, whether having to sit through sermons or lie back while you're denied humane treatment at the end of your life.

This is were Maher is a consrvative too. He doesn't want churches getting a penny of gov't money, and he wants them to prove they're philanthropic before they get tax-exemptions.

Silverfiddle said...

I guess I agree with Maher. By the way, his beliefs on this issue are libertarian, not conservative.

I also agree that, under the law, people should be able to make their own life decisions.

Ending one's own life conflicts with traditional Christianity and Judaism, as well as my personal beliefs, but we are not a theocracy.

My point here is that an organization calling itself religious while simultaneously engaging in practices that violate its beliefs is cynical, self-willed schizophrenia.

Say what you want about planned parenthood, but they are true to their founding principles.

A few housekeeping notes:

The last I checked, nobody in this country is forced to sit though boring sermons, which explains Rev Al Gore's waning popularity.

Here in the US, out west anyway, men don't wear panties, we wear underwear.

Redneck Ron said...

CP-Your an Idiot, Your God and if I am not mistaken he is everybody's god you liberal idiota. Mr fiddle has nailed it right on and I agree with him on this.

A Catholic hospital performing abortions. Is like a politician talking our both sides of the mouth jsut like Senator Dodds jsut got caught doing. LOL!! Damn-jsut like you CP!!!

Finntann said...

You know CP...for an atheist, you certainly seem overly preoccupied with and prattle on about God an awful lot.

Either way, the separation of church and state is supposed to cut both ways, a point often overlooked by liberals.

Doctors and hospitals in private practice are just that, private. As long as the law remains as it is, and such procedures are available at public hospitals and clinics, the government has no right forcing private individuals in the conduct of their private business to perform procedures that they consider morally and ethically wrong. Nor should the government be 'bribing' private institutions with public monies to act in a manner deemed appropriate by the government.

The government is not only corrupt internally, but 'externally' as well in the manner in which it conducts its business. It started out strong arming states by withholding federal monies which it obtained in extraconstitutional areas, moved on to bribing private corporations with public money, and is now in the business of bribing the voters.

It's repugnant

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