
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Public Opinion Snapshot (It's not looking good for the O Man)

Obama's Health Care Plan, Approve: 46%, Disapprove 50%

WaPo has a nice visual summary of of this Democratic shipwreck here


Most Rev. Gregori said...

Just goes to show, s%#t floats just for so long, then it sinks like everything else.

Silverfiddle said...

You have such a way with words...

Dr. Dave said...

Great catch, Silverfiddle. I'm swiping the WaPo graph and giving you a hat tip.

Actually, Bishop, in this case, I think shit is rising to the top.

Chicago Ray said...

The rev has spoken and I'm still laffin....Obummer is finding out the Harvard Affirmative Action Degree doesn't work so good in the real world Silverfiddle :>)

Silverfiddle said...

You can't fool all the people all the time...

Go for it, Dr. Dave. I can't believe the WaPo summarized The One's failures so neatly.

conservative generation said...

Great find!

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Americans don't like Obama? Its as if Americans are red-necks and morons.

Silverfiddle said...

OK CP, now you're just being provocative.

Please close the non-sequitur between Obama disdain and moronism (you're right about the redneck part)

Yeeeee Haw!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canadian Pragmatist said...

I think Obama actually deserves to be judged the way Bush thought he should be judged... "by history".

Low approbval ratings mean that he was have trouble getting anything done and when he does get it done, since so many Americans disapprove of it they will work to make sure their dissatisfaction is proven valid.

Its the phenomoneon of self-fulfilling prophecy on a mass level. That's why I think democracy has lasted so long: when people agree with the policies of their gov't, they'll work to make sure they play out the way they'd like them to.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Bipartisan against the current health care reform:

Canadian Pragmatist said...

According to Bill Maher:

"45% of people in this country believe that the gov't will now get to decide to pull the plug on grandma. 55% think that the health care overhaul will give coverage to illegal immigrant... and the same number think Obama is an illegal immigrant. 55% think it will cover abortions, and then there's the people who got to meetings about health care and believe Obama will do the same thing Hitler did... Stupid is a preexisting condition."

I unretract my comment about Americans being red-neck morons.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

For the whole of Maher's monologue.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah, we should just shut up and join the Long March. What morons we are for asking questions.

Obama says he's going to cover more people for less money. It doesn't pass the smell test.

It is illegal for hospitals to demand citizenship credentials, and almost all public institutions refuse to do so anyway, so of course illegal aliens will be getting health care.

Maher is a funny guy, even more so when he tries to be serious.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

First off, how cruel are you to care if a mexican gets stitches... for free?

Also, the statistics prove it. Over 50% of Americans are morons. I wanted to take it back for sake of civility, but what can I do? I was right. Did you watch the real news video:

Asking questions is fine, but asking dumb questions is dumb.

Silverfiddle said...

I don't think anyone should be turned away who needs emergency care.

The numbers don't add up.

Being a conservative person, I will tend towards the status quo until you show me something better. So far, they have not.

And the whole sneering, simpering liberal condescension of calling all conservatives morons is getting old.

Silverfiddle said...

CP: I haven't seen any polling on the percentage of morons in this country, but I did find this:

An ABC/Washington Post poll from June showed people preferred "smaller government with fewer services" over "larger government with more services" by 54% to 41%, up from 50%-45% a year earlier (independents were even more pronounced, at 61%-35%).

A Rasmussen poll from April showed that 77% of Americans preferred a "free market" economy over a "government managed" economy, up seven percentage points from just last December.

A July CBS poll found that 52% of Americans think that Obama is trying to do "too much."

Recent polling shows the public trending further away from Obama's nanny state.

Call it what you want. The dems are so inept they botched a sales pitch offering people free stuff. Maybe people are finally realizing there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Exactly, they conflate the right that everyone in the west should have to stitches so they don't bleed to death to a 'nanny state' which is completely different.

A nanny state doesn't allow people to use drugs. Instead of punishing people when they commit a crime (harm to someone), they stop them from getting high, because they think drugs make you commit crimes. That's the USA now.

We pay taxes here, and also have Hydro and other gov't money makers that help pay for health care, education, etc...

That it is not free is obvious. However, here health care is cheaper (by a huge margin). Not necessarily, actual procedures, but when it come to medication, there is no comparison.

My mother just had some surgery actually. It was a while ago, but, I don't know. It seemed to be fine. She never once said, "christ I wish I could be in the US so that I could pay 10x as much for this simple procedure."

Or, "god, if only I had been on an insurance plan that dropped me right before I needed this done."

Americans are stupid. Id they're afraid of Canadian health care... I mean, I am a pretty healthy person. I mean, I got in a fight once, and it was weird, I hit my toe against the bleechers at my highschool (hard to explain) and my toe nail came half off.

I went to the doctor and he did what he could and said that I had to wait for it to come off. He could have given me a lot of pain killers, or even recommend surgery to me. I guess we're just tougher here in Canada.

Whether of not that's true, there is no motive for the doctors to prescribe expensive pain killers, and procedures, except the health of the patient.

Not everything is best when it is profit motivated.

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