
Friday, August 21, 2009

What's Wrong With Government?

It's growing while our economy sheds jobs, according the the NY Times.
While the private sector has shed 6.9 million jobs since the beginning of the recession, state and local governments have expanded their payrolls and added 110,000 jobs, according to a report issued Thursday by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government.
These same state and local governments are threatening taxpayers with police and firefighter layoffs and furloughs.

Why is this bad?
Because every dollar consumed by the government is one less dollar that could be used for something more productive. Same for each individual. Don't believe me? Imagine a government that employed every one of it's employable adults. At the micro level, that would help each individual, but on the macro level that government's economy would be in permanent contraction, ending ultimately in national bankruptcy.

We need government to provide many of our basic services, but we're way beyond that now.

We Don't Trust Our Government

ObamaCare is floundering, along with Obama and his Democrats, and Daniel Henninger blames trust.
The left likes to say that conservatives hate government. The truth, and it holds for many people beyond conservatism, is closer to what Alfred Hitchcock said when he was accused of hating the police. "I'm not against the police," Hitchcock said, "I'm just afraid of them."
We the People Say, Prove It!
President Obama in his public pleas for the plan appears to be truly upset that his benign view of it isn't obvious to all. In his op-ed Sunday for the New York Times he said, "We'll cut hundreds of billions in waste and inefficiency in federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid."

Hundreds of billions? Just like that? This is nothing but an assertion by one man. It's close to Peter Pan telling the children that thinking lovely thoughts will make them fly.
Why don't they prove it? Because they can't.


Leticia said...

The U.S. government was never meant to be run by a socialist dictator and that is exactly what we have now.

BHO and his administrative lackeys have decided that this nation should no longer a democracy but a bureaucracy.

Let us hope that the people will not stand silent but fight back.

Chicago Ray said...

Great comment leticia and post as well Silverfiddle.....and when the Slimes says we're becoming too Nanny State we're so far off the path we can't see the forest through the trees....

That half of the country is now like a drunk who just woke up from his 10,000th buzz, and has to chew his own arm off not to wake up the beast he slithered home with the night before.....

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