
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Support of President Obama

I've really been dumping on President Obama lately, so I thought I'd take this chance to say some positive things about him. (Be sure to follow the links into Leftyland, and you'll see just how nutty they really are!)

He stiffed his lefty fellow travelers at HuffPo and Salon by brazenly jumping in bed with the evil pharmaceutical industry, known by the nutroots as Big Pharma.

Getting drug companies to throw $150 Million in propaganda support his way was quite a coup for Dr. Chicago.

Most importantly, the president has demonstrated once again that there is nothing conservative, rightwing, or free market about large corporations. Political and economic ideology mean nothing to Big Business; they will play whore to whoever is in charge. The lefties know this, and so they are skeptical. Here are some typical comments:
"But, but, I'm just so happy he isn't Bush, even tho he has continued to do exactly what Bush did, that I'm willing to keep my mouth shut about all the things he said he was going to change and now says he isn't. Just give him another 3 or 4 terms and I'm sure he''l get it all done. You just have to be patient!"
"This sounds like another version of ole Bush's "Part D Medicare drug bill, which created a nightmare for seniors and protected no one, and created a gold mine for Big Pharma!"
"President Obama has shown that he is not a strong leader and this is most unfortunate for the country. He allowed two Republican Senators and Nancy Pelosi to water down his Stimulus Bill... Candidate Obama promised an end to the war in Iraq. What the country got was not a cessation of our involvement there but a ratchetting up of the conflict in Afghanistan..."
Obama's Afghanistan Policy Makes Bush Look Timid
The last commenter brings up my next point. President Obama is bombing the crap out of the Taliban and their AQ allies in Pakistan. His targeted assassination program is sending murderous 7th century obscurantists to their father in hell at quite a pace. The World Socialist Website calls it murder, but what do they know?

The President Has Separated The Left From the Right
Finally, President Obama is a man of principle. Despite murdering little brown people in South Asia and climbing in bed with the drug industry, he is staying true to his uber-liberal, community organizing roots.

In full campaign mode that his Long March requires, he roared out that it was time for the opposition to shut up and get out of the way. That goosed the faithful! That post-partisan crap was just campaign rhetoric.

Yes, he could have been an Eisenhower, eschewing partisan politics and playing the role of mediator in the middle. But no, he faked right and ran left as hard as he could, and I congratulate him for his boldness.

No Mushy Middle
The president has drawn a stark line between left and right. On the left is the president, Harry and the Pelosicrats, and the screaming left-nuts, while a rampaging acorn and americorps go wilding in the background. Ordinary Americans, repulsed by the orgy of spending and government grabs, rejoin sensible Republicans on the right side of the line.

Thank you Mr. President for drawing stark lines and painting the current issues in bold colors!
Your candor has done more to damage your liberal agenda than anything any conservative could have done. The American people see your liberal schemes and dreams for what they are and they don't like it. As lefty Dan Neil said about saving Obamacare in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette Sunday Forum,
"It's time to fight dirty."
Of course it is, because the progressive agenda cannot prevail in an honest, open debate. We needed a dose of ideological clarity, and President Obama has provided it.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

People with pitchforks yelling at town hall meetings, and "the progressive agenda cannot prevail in an honest, open debate." That makes sense. It's not like the other side is full of nutty Christians and rich white people who have not a single leg to stand on but their faith and greed.

Silverfiddle said...

If you look at the history of this country, it's not the religious nuts who hijack the machinery of government. It's the we-say-so liberals.

Redneck Ron said...

CP-I have been reading some of your post and your trying to entice passion. You sounding like a Lennin Socialisn and heard there is openings in Russia, China, Cuba, and Venzuela. Good try in luring the fly into the web.

I love a healthy debate when there is a debate and not socialist whinning.

LSP said...

Nice clarity point. Remember though - we're not necessarily fighting humans...

Good conglomeration = link + follow.

Keep pulling the trigger.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

I'm not a socialist at all Ron. Only compared to crazy people like you.

What machinery of gov't has been hijacked by liberals, and what do you mean by hijacked?

Canadian Pragmatist said...

LSD, you priest. Go back to church and scare children into beliving in God.

Silverfiddle said...

federal reserve, income tax, social security, medicare, medicaid, department of education, department of energy...

Meanwhile, they can't protect the borders, balance a budget or adequately represent us overseas without attacking other countries and alienating those who should be our allies.

LSP said...

"Believing" CP.

Get it right. Or is English your second language?


Silverfiddle said...

Thanks LSP! Pay no mind to Canadian Pragmatist. He's a Nietzsche and Gaia worshiper with a God obsession.

He's a good Canuk though, and I have a great appreciation for the frozen behemoth of the north.

LSP said...

Thanks foutc. Scorn Neetchy, love Canada.

Spent a couple of years in Calgary and liked it. The pubs were especially good.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

Fuck you LSP. Yes, english is my second language you red-neck American prick, but even still it was a typo. As if you've never made a mistake in your life;). Go fuck some later boys.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Those are all good gov't programs in my opinion Silverfiddle, so we'll have to agree to disagree, unless u want ot get into it.

You liked the pubs? Soem priest you hypocrit. Your churches shouldn't be tax exempt. How about that for the free market?

Canadian Pragmatist said...

You scorn Nietzsche? Have you read him you fool? You see I've actually read that ridiculous book of fairy tales called the bible you sob.

Redneck Ron said...

CP-You sound like a socialist to me and as for Engish as being 2nd language. We all have roots where Engish is not the primary language. Even Canada has the French/Engish language issue. LSD what religion to partake in? CP is just jealous and sounds like young over vealot kid. Writes fairly well but is a little yella and resorts to name calling.

LSP said...

Right you are CP. For 'fairy tale' read Ecce Homo. You can check it out later.

Two bad you arre a Hitleryte.

Anyway, what's wrong with pubs in Calgary?

LSP said...

Oh, sorry CP. Fuck you too.

LSP said...

RR - I think socialist sounds about right, but its hard to tell... viz. religion - Anglican.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

Christians shouldn't be drinking. Ecce Homo was an autobiography and the title is just blasphemy (which is one reason I like it).

That it's a fairy tale is hard to even argue against because it's such a ridiculous claim.


The religion founded on the values of Henry the eighth!

HAHA... That's great. Start a new religion because you want to get a divorce.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Redneck Ron, I'm a social democrat. I vote for labour parties. I support people who work... why is that so bad???

Just because Silverfiddle doesn't believe in paying people well for an honest days work doesn't mean its wrong.

LSP-go back to preaching to people who are just going through the motions and couldn't possibly believe such a ridiculous religion in any real way.

ANGLICAN!~ Ron, what do you think of that. A religion that was started because some king wanted to divorce his wife and fuck some other chick to have a boy.

Silverfiddle said...

Being Anglican beats the hell out of worshiping someone who wrote fantasy books.

And once again, I'll ask you to stop the calumny. You'll have to provide the quote where I said I don't believe in paying people well.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Do you want to raise the minimum wage?

I don't worship him. He's a philosopher I like. It's like me saying you worship Kant.

And he is generally regarded as the most signifcant philosopher since Plato. I'd be better off defending him than Jesus, that cocksucker

Finntann said...

So, as Obama's numbers continue to fall and the left slips further and further into some deranged marxist fantasty... what's your story going to be when 80% of Americans are against the next third-world spending plan? Gonna claim we're all extreme radical neo-nazis?

Stimulus... good word! Voter Stimulus, maybe if we give you enough you'll keep voting against your own self-interest.

I'm done pulling punches... your not a socialist your a f'ing communist. Socialism is ostensibly for the betterment of all, you leftist A-holes are playing Robin Hood and just want to steal from the rich and give to the poor. Yeah, vote for us and we'll tax the shit out of hardworking people to pay for your medical care until we decide you're not worth it anymore and cut you off.

You're a well trained liberal CP... pick something out of thin air (just because Silverfiddle doesn't believe in paying people well for an honest days work)... to divert and obfuscate the issue. Learn that from Nanny Pelosi and the non-existant swastika signs she was blathering about in the town hall meetings.

Oh, and I don't think people with dementia have anything to worry about... they are obviously well qualified as participating citizens, as exemplified by the senior leadership of the Democratic Party!


Finntann said...

Oh and where in the Bible does it say Christians can't drink?

I'm beginning to think you're a Baptist.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

I don't know I just thought they didn't drink. The body is a temple, afterall...

Voting against your self-interest and for the interest of the poor... yah, how horrible is that???

I see you're against poor people being cared for or anything like that, so what can I say. Good for you. You should be so proud of being such a capitalist pig.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

And, yes I thought Robin Hood was a heroic character, unfortunately you don't agree. You think the oligarchy are the victims?

All you have in America is a democratic election among the oligarchy. At least some of them care forthe poor and middle-class. That's about the best that could be hoped for, but no... "Just stay out of our business. So what if people are sick and dieing without health care? so what if the economy collapses?".

You're a ideological moron. Call me a communist if you want. Hard to see how I'm diverting obfuscating. Do you or Silverfiddle believe in a minimum wage? If not, then your not for paying all people honestly for an honest days work.

I know people who work for min. wage and they work hard, long hours, not getting payed for overtime, etc... and they still truggle to make ends meet. If you want to spit on them for the sake of your stupid ideological ties, that's fine.

I'm curious as you what Ron think about all this.

Finntann said...

Robin Hood was a heroic character, but I didn't say you were Robin Hood... I said you were "playing at Robin Hood". What you seem to forget is that Robin Hood was stealing from a corrupt government that was OVERTAXING the people. This year, in America... the Obama administration has already spent the equivalent of 112 days of our gross domestic product, meaning that in order to pay for it, the average American will have to work for the state for 112 days. Not that we are going to pay for it, no...we are just going to kick that can further down the road... maybe my kids will have to pay for it. Nice inheritance huh?

I call you a communist because you are spouting pure marxist propaganda by portraying this as a battle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the evil capitalists against the oppressed workers. I'm an ideological moron? You don't even seem to realize you're a Marxist. It's a tired, no dead, argument, unless of course you want to avail yourself of China or Cuba. You are clinging to a failed political system. You can call me an ideological moron all you want, but you're the one who doesn't seem to have a grip on what their politics are.

Like most liberals, you have a sense of entitlement... you think that you are somehow entitled to what I produce. That somehow, the rest of us are responsible for you.

You are diverting and obfuscating because you tossed "minimum wage" out as a red herring, a distraction. It was not mentioned in the article and it was not mentioned by Silverfiddle. Same goes for religion, which is irrelevant to the debate at hand, but it seems to be one of your favorite touchpoints. Why don't you throw global warming out there as part of your response?

I've worked for minimum wage, I've worked hard, long hours for no overtime. I've struggled to make ends meet. But I didn't blow what I made on Budweiser, X-Box, and a little blow. Although I have friends from my childhood that did, and guess what... they're in the exact same place I used to be. I saved my money, educated myself, and I made something of myself. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I got here by the sweat of my brow.

I am a libertarian, government is a necessary evil, and the less government, the better government. Government needs to provide for the commonwealth of it's citizens. That is defined as law enforcement, defense, infrastructure, and a system in which someone like me can start from blue-collar orgins and make something of myself. The commonwealth is not your personal wealth... I shouldn't have to pay for your food, medical care, schooling, transportation, childcare... that's not common, that's your personal responsibility. The less government the better... not the bloated beast being created by the current administration. Buying votes with other people's money.

Now I am not a stingy person, and I support food stamps, medical clinics, job training programs... but there is a limit to what I am responsible for, and it is not all encompassing. Unlike you, I think we have a social responsibility to take care of those who can not take care of themselves, those with dementia, those who can't work. You'd rather just tax the shit out of everybody and start doling it out. I don't buy the argument that those who want to work can't find it. I've never had a problem finding work, then again I'm not averse to digging ditches if I have to. I have never been unemployed for more than a week or so. Whereas you seem to be a hardcore advocate of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"... which is pure Karl Marx. Except in your case you seem to have no problem euthanizing those unable to work while giving handouts to those too lazy to work... so long as they keep voting the party line.

Lenin would be proud!

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