
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rage Against The Machine

How's that post-partisan hope and change working out?

The Booblemann-Tardball Connection

10% unemployment, well-funded brownshirts from americorps and acorn pledging allegiance to The Supreme Leader, a toadie press that demonizes el presidente's opposition for him, a political class impervious to the inquiries of ordinary citizens. I've seen this before. I've lived it. This is not a third-world dictatorship. Far from it. But it has all the trappings.

Thank you President Obama for bringing the third-world to America. It started with the cult of personality and unwarranted hero worship formerly found only in Venezuela and obscure African countries. Now our third-worldization marches on with angry factions shouting each other down over politics, of all things. By the way, what part of The US Constitution authorizes the federal government to take over even one scintilla of the economy?

Divide and Conquer
It's the oldest strategy in the book, and progressives are experts at it. Divide everyone up into little grievance groups, tell them they're powerless, then convince them there is only power in the collective to fight against "THEM," who want to take it all away.

Mobilize the masses. The idealistic college students, the shiftless, the welfare bums, the union workers who get paid to skip work and participate in political agitprop. Ply them with booze and cigarettes and five dollar bills. Bus them in, give them their signs and turn them loose. Best of all, they fund it all by shaking down guilty rich liberals who wouldn't associate with such rabble in their worst nightmares.

Who is to blame for this wave of relatively benign violence we're seeing at town halls and other political gatherings?

A White House that says things like this is to blame:
“If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,”
The DNC is screaming that the "right-wing extremist base" is out to "destroy" Barack Obama, so it has unleashed "angry mobs . . . mob activity straight from the playbook of high-level Republican political operatives."

This is a scary instance of psychological projection; denying a key attribute of your self and projecting it onto your adversary. Liberals have always excelled at rent-a-crowd tactics and they don't like it when someone beats them at their own game, especially when THEM do it without the benefit of ACORN, ANSWER or bullhorn-wielding community organizers.

Paul Krugman is to blame
Here's the latest twaddle from this educated fool. All these people went to town hall meetings because their insurance company told them to. And he discovered a couple of conservative organizations. He could be the next Giraldo! What a jackass. He should stick to economics, where at least he can hide behind his Nobel.
Yes, well-heeled interest groups are helping to organize the town hall mobs. Key organizers include two Astroturf (fake grass-roots) organizations: FreedomWorks, run by the former House majority leader Dick Armey, and a new organization called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights.
All The World's A Stage
Remember the anti-war protests of '03? I was down in South America manning the radio room with nothing better to do so I watched the unedited farce on CSPAN. The demonstrations didn't just feature anti-war speakers. There were people speaking out for the gay, lesbian, transgendered, bestiality, Malthusian retro-environmentalism, disarmament, onearmament, man-hating feminists, Latinos, pedophiles, pot smoking, labor movements, indigenous movements, bowel movements, you name it.

Why bring all these groups in to an anti-war rally? In order to get a bigger crowd! All the different agitation groups got their two-minutes rant on a national stage in exchange for delivering their victim group to fill out the crowd. And that is how the Democratic party works.

My favorite speaker that day was a cute little Muslim college girl railing against the oppressive US, castigating us for oppressing women and Muslims. A Muslim woman on national TV claiming Muslim women had no voice in this country. That must have been the comedy relief. I wonder if she'd deliver the same lecture, face uncovered, in downtown Riyadh?

It's Racism!!!!
Anyway, Krugman sees something more sinister in the right-wing mobs: Racism stoked by clever and shadowy Republican operators. He's curiously unable to provide any proof beyond his own fevered imaginings:
Does this (racial fear tactics) sound familiar? It should: it’s a strategy that has played a central role in American politics ever since Richard Nixon realized that he could advance Republican fortunes by appealing to the racial fears of working-class whites.

Many people hoped that last year’s election would mark the end of the “angry white voter” era in America. Indeed, voters who can be swayed by appeals to cultural and racial fear are a declining share of the electorate.
So who has divided this country?
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democratic party have divided this country with the most expensive and most liberal agenda in the history of the US, all in the face of unprecedented debt and a serious economic crisis. We're supposed to applaud this stupidity?

Who's dividing us? The unhinged left and their idiotic foam at the mouth rantings, with George Bush assassination fantasies, and Bushitler, Chimpie and a thousand other idiotic names and baseless charges these poop throwing monkey hurled at President Bush, VP Cheney and those of us who had the temerity to vote in such a Hitlerian regime.

The HuffKook-Oglemann-Tardball Axis, abetted by the Democrat Hopium smokers in the press and washed-up TV personalities are to blame. They can dish it out but they can't take it.

When lefties protest it's speaking truth to power sprung spontaneously from the heart of working class American. When the right gets pissed its all neo-nazi, racist astroturf. Someone gives Obama a Joker face and it must be hatefulRightwingHitlerRushLimbaughFoxNewsracism

Yeah right. People aren't buying that crap anymore. Obama and the Social Democrats are trying their damnedest to flush America down a third-world toilet. But unlike in a rigged third-world system, we can still vote their asses out.

TBO - Protests
STL Today - 6 Arrested
Politico - Punch Back
NYT - Unmitigated Krugman Twaddle
WSJ - Noonan


Canadian Pragmatist said...

It's interesting how you're able to debunk baseless charges against Bush and the other Republicans with baseless charges against Obama and the Democrats.

I don't think all Republicans are racist, but if you're a racist you're also a Republican.

Silverfiddle said...

You need to read some history of progressivism. Planned Parenthood was founded on racism.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

That might be true, but it doesn't mean progressivists are racist now. Republicans claiming Obama wasn't born in America, and mock-lynching Obama, is sort of racist... now.

Hav you read my free will post?

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Krugman is a neducated fool... with no evidence. What a surprise.

Silverfiddle said...

Krugman leveled a baseless charge against the Obama critics.

You're the one who brought up racism, not me.

Nickie Goomba said...

Keep fighting back. In this political effort, Conservative voices must be heard.

The MSM will certainly be of no assistance.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Conservative voices are loud and obnoxious so there shouldn't be a problem there Nickie.

How was Krugman's "angry white voters" fear of black guy tactic baseless? They have angry mobs burning effegies of democratic senators, nevermind slogans of "I want my country back." Form whom? A black guy.

And throw comparisons fo Hitler, and questioning whether he was born in Ameirca and Krugman ws spot-on.

Have you read my post yet?

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Canadian Pragmatist: Perhaps sir, you should worry more about Canadian political affairs. Americans who have lived a lifetime here in the States know exactly what the leftist Democrat Party is, and I can assure you, that in my 64 years, I learned a long time ago that the Democrats are not only the biggest bunch of racists, but they are also the most immoral party to hit the American scene.

Under Abraham Lincoln, it was the Republican North that fought to defeat slavery, the Democrat South fought to maintain slavery. It was the Republicans that implemented the "Equal Rights" Amendment, the Democrats fought against it.

In every single election, the Democrats play the race card at every opportunity and they are always playing one group of people against another. So don't tell us how lily white and pure as the driven snow liberals are, because that pig won't fly.

As far as Obama is concerned, he is the most devious individuals to ever be elected. He even puts Bill Clinton to shame. A noted psychiatrist, Dr. Kieth Ablow, even stated on the Fox News Channel that Obama shows, in things he says and the kinds of programs that he wants to force on Americans, that he is racist to his core and harbors a deep seated hatred for America.

The sooner that man is forced from office the better, because if this crap keeps up too much longer, America will come apart at the seams, because their is real anger brewing just below the surface.

Silverfiddle: Sorry for being so long winded. And thank you for stopping by my blog. God Bless and have a great day.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

B.T.W., I just listed you as one of my favorite blogs with a link to your site.

Silverfiddle said...

Thank you, Reverend Gregory. You must be patient with Canadian Pragmatist. Nietzsche is his god.

You said it better than I could have.

It's time to take the country back from the ignorant leftists who want to change everything. The racism charge is a lefty trope. President Obama got a bigger percentage of the vote that Clinton did.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

It's ridiculous to even respondtothe Fox News psychologist.

If you're a racist in America, you are a Republican.

Silverfiddle said...

CP: OK, you're going to have to put up some proof to back your racism charge or I will have to ban you.

I'm tired of being called a racist.

Redneck Ron said...

It appears that Obama was raised by a right winger and so socialism was part of his up bringing. You shouldn't expect any thing different. I don't trust any politician because there always seams to some dishonesty on both sides.

CP- You have something going on in your country that our poticiians are wanting to lead to in some type of fashion. What is your honest opinion of your state run health care system? There have things politicized on both sides on health care issue.

Finntann said...

Whoa! Great Post...a few comments on the comments.

First to make the statement Racist=Republican is the equivalent of Idiot=Canadian

If you want to talk organized racism you'll find that for the most part they are State's Rights Libertarians more often than not.

Riddle me this Batman... who's more racist? The ones who think that minorities need a hand out and are incapable of lifting themselves out of povery without it, or those who think them equally capable of self-improvement as the rest of us
"angry white folks"? Who I might point out voted Obama into office.

And while your podering that, answer me this... why then are Asians so capable of achieving middle and upper class status within one or two generations? What? You think we 'racisits' like them more?

Obama is a populist socialist... no different than Chavez! Handing out bribes in the guise of stimulus to buy favor and votes.

And fiddle is 100% correct in his assessment that the Democratic Party's prime tactic is divide and conquer, because unless they can pit the blacks against the whites, the illegals against the legals, the gays against the straights, their powerbase pretty much evaporates. They are disgustingly devisive, and if you cant tell that by listening to them talk, you are selectively deaf.

The Democrats motivate by making people angry through real, imagined, and made up slights. People are beginning to see through the hype, and are turned off by the excessive pandering and spending... if there is anything Americans like less than a sore loser it's a sore winner. Mark my words, this little political experiment will prove to be the best thing that has happened to the Republican Party, unfortunately it is most likely the worst thing that could have happened to this country. In two years, in the next election cycle, moderates will flee the Democratic Party in droves!


Canadian Pragmatist said...

I didn't say all republicans were racist, but that all racists are republicans.

Proof... all the most racist groups in America are also filled with republicans, e.g. KKK, neo-nazis, etc...

Health care is fine here Ron. My grandparents live in the US but come up here to see their doctor.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Go read my free will post and respond:
I dare you to. I even have Christians disagreeing with you.

Silverfiddle said...

CP@ "Proof... all the most racist groups in America are also filled with republicans, e.g. KKK, neo-nazis, etc... "

You're going to have to provide a reference. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

You don't think so?

According to American History X. "Democrat" is basically a diss in that movie.

I mean, if you don't think that all the nazis and kkk people in America are republicans, I don't know what to say.

That's a self-evident truth. I don't know if there have been many surveys, but...

Silverfiddle said...

Once again, CP is shown to be full of BS

Finntann said...

My god, your logic is flawless, ergo:

All Canadians are pacifists

All leftists are Democrats

(and all Democrats are leftists)...

For god's sake, do a little research!

Hell, Nazi's are by definition socialists... National Socialist Party? Hello?

Try National Alliance, National Socialist Movement, National Socialist Vanguard, NSDAP, if you're looking for racist political parties.

American History X... you do realize that the movie is fictional and not a documentary, and... a film disowned by its maker Tony Kaye.

You want to find racism in American politics, you will find more historical examples of it in the Democratic Party than the Republican.

You're coming across as either ignorant or a revisionist

Canadian Pragmatist said...

I never said all republicans were racists, but that if you're a racist you're also probably a republican.

National Socialists are not what nazis of today have become. Even then it was back more by the right than the left in Germany.

You don't believe that if you're a racist in America you're also probably a republican? Call it bs if you want. I thought that was self-evident. I'm surprised you'd even try and refute that claim.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

American History X wasn't a documentary, but if was an accurate portrayal of the meo-nazis scene.

Silverfiddle said...

Well CP, you've just won the "Moronic Post Of The Week." Congratulations!

Do you know what ZOG means? Look it up. It's used frequently by neo-nazis, never by conservatives.

You really should learn to stick to topics you know something about and stop embarrassing yourself with your blatant ignorance of US society.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Again, not all republicans are neo-nazis. But all neo-nazis are conservatives.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

I didn't say conservative and nazi are the same thing adn hence they'd use the same terms.

You just can't put words in my mouth. You and Finntann have done that a lot now.

All I said was that if you're a racist, you're most likely also a republican. Why else do about a third or more republicans not think Obama was born in the USA.

Some of them are racist if not all of them.

Finntann said...

I know many Republicans, none are racists. I've had the unfortunate experience of knowing quite a few racists over the years, none were Republicans. There are undoubtedly many closet racists in the republican party, as there are many closet racists in the democratic party. Neither party tolerates "Racists". That is racists with a capitol "R", those whose publically espouse a racist agenda.

Silverfiddle is right, you know not of what you speak. Frankly, if you are neo-nazi racist you despise the establishment, Republican and Democrat. They do not specifically attach to either party and in fact consider both the enemy. Chances are if you are a neo-nazi racist you adhere to some fringe party that espouses your beliefs.

If American History X is what gave you this ridiculous notion, then it obviously was grinding some seriously leftist agenda in portraying the Republican Party as a group of neo-nazi skinheads.

Do you seriously believe that approximately half of the american population holds to these beliefs? Or would tolerate them among the members of their political party?

Take probably the most famous American racist politician David Duke, he ran as a Democrat from 1979-1988, then in 1989 switched parties... attempted to run as a Republican, and was completely repudiated by the party. He then ran as a candidate of the independent populist party. Needless to say he never succeeded in getting himself elected to any seat he sought.

Want to ponder the current state of racism in America? Ask yourself why blacks and latinos are considered minorities, yet Greeks, Indians and Kazakhs aren't. I guess it aint hip to be Kazakh. Ask yourself why a black man from Haiti refuses to identify himself as "African-American" and insists he is simply American? I'll tell you this... every racist I ever met identified himself by some ethnic group, be it white or black, and I've know as many black racists as white, and pretty much despised both.

Obviously, the election of Barack Obama simply proves that the Democrats racial focus is simply bullshit. No, we haven't gotten rid of all of them, but we have certainly moved past the point at which they seriously influence American politics.

Nanny Pelosi, foaming at the mouth and screaming about Nazis and Swastikas protesting health care is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the Democratic party. The people who believe her... are the epitome of everthing that is wrong in America.

And don't think you can glare down in superiority from the great white north, cause you haven't heard the N-Word until you've heard it in a
Québécois accent.



Finntann said...

And don't say I put words in your mouth, I never said that you said all Republicans are racists, nor do I take exception to your statement that there are racists in the Republican Party.

I do take exception to your statement that all racists are Republican... know what a Dixiecrat is? In fact, the most racists areas of America are traditional bastions of the Democratic Party. I also take exception to your mistaken belief that hardcore neo-nazi racists are flocking to the Republican Party in droves... when in fact they arent flocking to either party, and can be found most prominately in fringe political parties.

Not to be insulting, but you don't know Jack about what your talking about. I grew up here in a mixed race neighborhood of Irish, Italian, Greek, Black, Vietnamese, and Indian immigrants, I don't need a Canadian to lecture me about racism in America.

The people flocking to the birth certificate controversy are the same morons flocking to the 9/11 conspiracies. Any conspiracy will do. And yes, racists are some of the idiots that are using it as an axe to grind.

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