
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stumblin' In

I'm glad the Americans have been sprung from the Pot Bellied Pig's North Korean gulag. I pray for the captured Americans now being used as political pawns by the Iranian Mullahs.

I also think they should be publicly scolded for their stupidity, and the Administration should declare that if such an event happens again, the clueless kids who stumble into the black widow's web are on their own. Unlike an innocent American getting kidnapped off the streets of some presumably-safe capital, these naifs recklessly put themselves in danger, providing political ammunition to their captors, and putting the US government in a difficult situation.

Three blissfully ignorant Americans, looking for a cool adventure they could brag to their friends about, have instead given the Iranian dictators a propaganda coup:

"Their illegal entry cannot be altogether unrelated to the post-election unrest ... What mission were the three pursuing in Iran? Why did not they apply for Iran visas?" said Mohammad Karamirad, a member of parliament's Foreign Affairs and National Security Committee, the official IRNA news agency reported.
In North Korea, President Clinton's rescue mission was a dressed-up form of ransom, paying off a nuclear-armed nut. In exchange for doing the right thing, Kim Ill got his inflated ego stroked by having a former president play supplicant to him.

According to Richard Halloran, it also greatly enhanced the standing of this porn party, sex offending egomaniac. Kim's standing was enhanced even more.

It's time for us to stop feeding the tyrants of the world, and it's time for US citizens to grow up and realize that the world is a dangerous place.

Reuters - Iran
RCW - Halloran


Canadian Pragmatist said...

Either way they shouldn't be put in prison. Weren't the girl in korea journalists? If they choose to take such risks, the US gov't should also try and free them.

I don't know if Clinton really have credibility to Kim. That's really just what some people said.

Silverfiddle said...

A highly respected former president bowed down (figuratively) to Kim Ill. It enhanced his stature. Google Christopher Hitchens. He has a good article on the subject. Articulate and biting as always.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Yah, but he just asked for them back. Hitchens is too anti-Clinton. No matter what they do he will pick out something bad about it.

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