
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Name Than Socialist Tune!

Here's a fun game!

Who made the following statements, Communist Dictator Fidel Castro or a Democratic party spokesperson?
"President Barack Obama is trying to make positive changes in the United States, but is being fought at every turn by right-wingers who hate him because he is black..."
Still can't decide? Here's some more...

Obama does not want to change the U.S. political and economic system, but "in spite of that, the extreme right hates him for being African-American and fights what the president does to improve the deteriorated image of that country"

"I don't have the slightest doubt that the racist right will do everything possible to wear him down, blocking his program to get him out of the game one way or another, at the least political cost," he said.

Who said these things? Hugo Chavez? Or angry nutroots at Daily Kook or HuffPo?

Although the Republicans ... claimed they oppose President Obama's health care plan because it would increase the nation's debt, the real reason is driven by racism and the fact that the majority who would benefit from health care reform are minorities, the poor and families burdened by uninsured health challenges

So why was it okay to raise the debt when Bush was in power but not okay to raise the debt when Obama is in power?

Because of racism...

Fidel Castro wrote the first three (Source: Reuters), but the last two came from a flaming red Hopium smoker at HuffPo.

The Democrats and their Nutbag fringe are in big trouble when you can't distinguish their rhetoric from that of a murderous Communist.


Redneck Ron said...

I would like to take the moment to give my respect to Senator Ted Kennedy. There is one thing about Teddy-He was a liberal from the begining to the end adn there never no doubt where he stood.

Casto is jerk and trying to grow a wedge in america because still mad at us for what we did to Russia.. He lost his big money source. I can be quoted on that.

I support my president no matter what the differences but disagree with his polocies and alot things he says and does. Just like all the presidents.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

I'll support Obama if and when I die and comeback as a jockstrap.

Second, the Americans who wrote those last ones, all I can say is with Americans like that, who needs enemies?

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