
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If I Had a Trillion Dollars...

Archimedes' Lever:
“Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.”
-- Archimedes
Modern political corollary:
"Give me enough money to spend and and I will fix the whole world."
-- DC Fatcat
I'm tired of hearing "if we only raised taxes and spent more money..." this big program or that government initiative would work.

Of course! Like Archimedes, if you give me enough money I can do anything. That's not the issue. The trick isbeing smart enough to figure out how to efficiently use what you've got. Working class people know that because they have to do it every day.

Bureaucrats don't know it because what they can't squeeze out of you and me they borrow from China. It's the loaves and fishes for them...

...And now, in honor of our dishonorable free-spending politicians... If I had a Million Dollars by The Bare Naked Ladies - Archimedes' Lever


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